von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Miniature Scenery: U-Boot Update

Bei Miniature Scenery wird weiter am U-Boot gebaut – nette Ergänzungen und die SD und die HD Version werden gezeigt.

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Miniature Scenery – U-Boot Update XIII

Let’s make a U-boat. Part XIII.
Some say it’s not the length that counts.
I suspect that such people don’t have a four foot long U-boat.
As you can see, more testing is underway. The Model you see here is the HD version. We are going to have to simplify the standard version a fair bit to help keep the price down though. Apart from the easier conning tower, the deck will be reduced to some representative engraving rather than the seventy bazillion cut slots. More cutting equals more time, more time equals higher end price.
Also, the 20mm AA gun is super fiddly. I’m going to have to dumb it down substantially for the standard version. There will be file for 3D printing it as well.
Overall there are a few alterations to make, but most of the grunt work is done. The main bulk of the boat goes together super easy. barely an inconvenience.

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Miniature Scenery – U-Boot Update HD vs. SD

Oh. Look. This is exciting.
I now have two Whole U-boats to test build and possibly paint.
We have managed to reduce the cutting time considerably for the standard kit with a simplified deck and much more basic (but still nicely representative) conning tower. The big photo shows all the laser cut parts for the HD version all laid out on a decidedly indifferent bit of sad grey carpet.
Bothe versions of the kit will come with a small selection of tubing for guns and periscopes and wotnot. HD kit will come with a bonus Cargo chest!
A separately available bunch of STL files will also exist for those of you that just have to have all of the bits. Replacement guns and periscopes and a few more details. And the worlds tiniest enigma machine.
On with the build! Stay tuned for updates….

Quelle: Miniature Scenery auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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