Massive Voodoo Challenge: Gewinner 2020
Die Gewinner der Massive Voodoo Challenge des vergangenen Jahres stehen fest.
MV Challenge 2020: Winners!
finally it is time to reveal the winners of the MV Challenge 2020.
It is about time. Thank you all for your patience.Judging the last 10 entries who made the second cut was a hard, almost impossible task
for the MV Team.All of these entries are great in aspects of creativity, execution, storytelling and by their idea. All of these 10 do deserve a medal, unfortanetely we only can give aways three: Bronze, Silver, Gold. When we started this challenge we did not expect 271 entries dropping in. Again we want to thank you all for making this Challenge an awesome success for everyone involved.
Applause and congratulations to the winners!!
Please contact Roman with your postal adress to see your prizes delivered to you in the next couple of weeks via jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)comGold Medal:
Alexey Kazakov
Alexey managed to fascinate the judges with this idea, that was unique in all of the challenge entries. Creating a full negative world in setup and color that you can actually put into negative and it still works. We are speechless.
Using a reverse color photo filter on this project makes this magic happen.
Silver Medal:
Andreu Inigo Marti
Andreu convinced the judges with this scene that has so much visual impact, clarity and composition. Technicly so well done it presents the tiny traveller in endless space adventure, while you can actually feel the burning stars falling down.
Bronze Medal:
Andreas Peetz
Andreas convinced the judges with a topic that was often seen in the challenge: A kid dreaming about space. This was in our eyes the best execution in terms of detail, technical aspects and beauty.
Applause and congratulations to the winners!!
Please contact Roman with your postal adress to see your prizes delivered to you in the next couple of weeks via jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)comAgain,
we want to thank everyone who was part of this challenge. You made it absolutely beautiful to browse the gallery and see the tiny astronauts travel beyond everyone’s imagination. All of you are winners as we all together presented the what the heart about this hobby is: Joy, fun and creativity!Do not forget to share the full gallery all over the places:
Full gallery!
Quelle: Massive Voodoo
Einfach nur stark! Ich empfehle auf jeden Fall dem Besuch der Webseite für die anderen Werke!
😮 Nach wie vor einfach unglaublich schön.
Also ich fand die anderen Werke ja schon grandios!
Aber meine Güte, sind die hier genial! 😀 allein die Idee vom Gewinner der Goldmedallie! Ich komme aus dem Staunen nicht mehr raus 🙂
Cooles Zeug!
Die Astronautenmini ansich ist leider nicht so spannend.
Nummer 1 erinnert stark an Solaris, gefällt mir.
Das Kinderzimmer ist stark!
Was dieser kleine Astronaut so alles erlebt…
Und die Astronautenmini hat wirklich echt viel Charme 😎
Oh Gott… da sind so viele gute Beiträge 😱-> Arbeitstag gelaufen…
Wirklich richtig cool, was all die Teilnehmer hier geliefert haben.
Kann es ein, dass diese Astronautenmini unglaublich winzig ist? Oder hat der Mensch in dem einen Bild einfach riesige Hände?
Wenn die Mini echt nur so groß wie ein Daumennagel ist, bin ich noch mehr beeindruckt als es eh schon der Fall ist…
Ja die sind schon Ok….
Überragend allerdings nicht