von BK-Christian | 22.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Marvel

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Neuheiten

Die Neuheiten für Crisis Protocol können vorbestellt werden.

AMG Marvel Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion 1 AMG Marvel Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion 2 AMG Marvel Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion 3 AMG Marvel Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion 4 AMG Marvel Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion 5

Marvel CP: Crashed Sentinel Terrain Expansion – $59.95

Enhance Marvel: Crisis Protocol battlefields with the Crashed Sentinel Terrain Pack! Towering robotic enemies of mutant-kind, Sentinels possess advanced energy weapons, the ability to fly, and sensors that help them track down mutants.

This terrain pack makes a crashed version of one of these fearsome machines a feature of Crisis Protocol battles. Featuring a variety of debris, including a Sentinel head, a wrecked car, as well as a Roxxon station and sign, this pack adds even more thematic depth, letting players play out the Marvel battles they’ve always dreamed of.

AMG Marvel Colossus & Magik 1 AMG Marvel Colossus & Magik 2 AMG Marvel Colossus & Magik 3 AMG Marvel Colossus & Magik 4

Marvel CP: Colossus & Magik – $39.95

Superpowered siblings join the X-Men in the Colossus & Magik Character Pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Born in Siberia, Piotr Rasputin is a mutant with a skin of steel and a heart of gold. He can transform his entire body into organic metal, granting him superhuman strength, durability, and stamina. His sister Illyana Rasputin, meanwhile, trained in the art of magic to become the Sorceress Supreme of Otherplace. Her mutant ability to teleport herself and others through space and time allows her to be anywhere and anywhen her mystic power is needed.

This pack gives players the chance to round out their X-Men teams with these powerful characters, beginning with beautifully-detailed, dynamic Colossus and Magik miniatures for them to paint and customize. Already featuring a combination of powerful mutant and mystical abilities, players can unlock even more power from this pair with three Team Tactic cards that allow them to tap into the power of Limbo or throw Wolverine with the famous Fastball Special.

AMG Marvel Gambit & Rogue 1 AMG Marvel Gambit & Rogue 2 AMG Marvel Gambit & Rogue 3 AMG Marvel Gambit & Rogue 4

Marvel CP: Gambit & Rogue – $39.95

Two iconic characters join the ranks of the X-Men with this character pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Born with a power that is both blessing and curse, the mutant Rogue can absorb the powers and memories of anyone she touches. This remarkable but devastating power allows her to wield the abilities of her foes but leaves them depleted–or worse. Meanwhile, Remy LeBeau is Gambit, a dashing scoundrel with the mutant power to accelerate the molecular energy of an object, transforming mundane items into kinetically-charged explosives. Fighting alongside the X-Men, he dishes out punishment with his bo staff and trademark playing cards.

The Rogue & Gambit Character Pack adds these fan-favorite characters to players’ Marvel: Crisis Protocol rosters with beautifully detailed, unpainted Rogue and Gambit miniatures. In addition to their innate mutant abilities, four Team Tactic cards help players unlock even more potential between Rogue, Gambit, and their fellow X-Men.

AMG Marvel Juggernaut 1 AMG Marvel Juggernaut 2 AMG Marvel Juggernaut 3

Marvel CP: Juggernaut – $49.95

One of the X-Men’s oldest foes enters Marvel: Crisis Protocol! Cain Marko is the brutally strong Juggernaut, a human wrecking ball of unstoppable force who lays waste to everything unlucky enough to be in his path. Possessing unfathomable strength and durability, he is among the strongest physical beings alive.

This character pack brings the Juggernaut to life on the tabletop with a beautifully- sculpted Juggernaut miniature, as well as a stat card outlining all of his abilities. If his brute strength isn’t enough, three Team Tactic cards unlock even more ways for him to be a disruptive force on the battlefield.

Quelle: Atomic Mass Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Gambit und Rogue werde ich mir wohl holen. Ich habe zwar schon die Modelle von Knightmodels bemalt, aber die hier gefallen mir noch besser.

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    • Oder einfach verschiedene Versionen. Wir haben mittlerweile 3 Spidermans und zwei Black Widows. Der zweite Ironman ist auch schon in der Pipeline. Da geht noch was, hoffe ich.

      • Denke sie machen das eher so als mit alternativen Bauteilen in der Packung. Zum einen hat man dann je nach Variante größeren kreativen Spielraum und natürlich: Weil Geld. Und macht Sinn, ich gehe davon aus Disney lässt sich die Lizenz erheblich was kosten. Da jeden character bestmöglich zu melken ist im kaufmännischen Interesse von AMG.

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      • Mir würde ja schon ein Thor reichen der eher an die Filme angelehnt ist und nicht aussieht wie Wickie auf Steroiden. (Auch wenn’s nun mal die Comic Vorlage ist…)

      • @Flappi: denke da sind die chancen gar nicht schlecht. vielleicht nicht 100% Filme aber da gibt es ja Comic iterationen die da fast mehr pate standen, die sie sicher noch zitieren werden.

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