von BK-Christian | 03.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Malifaux

Malifaux: Nightmare Edition 2021

Wyrd Games haben die neueste Nightmare Edition angekündigt.

Hey Wyrdos,

This week, Waldo wanted to go scuba diving. Once he realized that he’d need to take lessons, the pressure was too much. Deep down, he realized it wasn’t for him.

So while we hold our breath, let’s take a look at this year’s Nightmare Edition models!

If you’re new to us or Malifaux, every year (right around this time) we release alt models for an existing crew box. These Nightmare Edition models are a celebration of the weird, wild, and wicked, and are only made available at certain times of the year. So far in Third Edition, we have skipped ahead in time to take a look at Malifaux 1988, and explored uncharted seas with Brine and Bones. This year, we’re venturing beneath the ocean waves and down into the Deepest Depths.

That’s right; Nekima and her Nephilim crew are receiving the Nightmare treatment this time around. But unlike our previous Nightmare boxes, this one won’t just be exclusive to Malifaux. More on that in a bit. First, let’s take a look at Adi Adara, the alt version of Nekima, and the incredible new design for their Malifaux stat cards.

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At her side (and replacing the Blood Hunter) is The Lagan, a group of terrifying and bloodthirsty eels guarding their latest catch. Under the sea, the Terror Tots have been replaced with adolescent and fully aquatic Trenchlings. Once they’ve grown up a bit, those little horrors become Reefdwellers, and are now responsible for protecting Adi Adara’s underwater kingdom.

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These unassembled miniatures won’t just be climbing atop the Malifaux shores, though. On Earth, Adi Adara and her oceanic infantry will also be joining the battle in The Other Side. Inside this Nightmare Edition box, you’ll also receive unit cards to replace characters in the Gibbering Hordes.

In The Other Side, Adi Adara counts as a Stormsiren, the Lagan and Trenchlings each count as Egg Clutches, and the Reefdwellers count as Morphlings. The characters are on the same base sizes for both The Other Side and Malifaux, so you’ll be able to include them in both games faster than the tide rolls in.

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You can get your hands on this year’s Nightmare Edition box either at Gen Con or on our webstore during the big event. Gen Con starts September 16th and ends the 19th – just a few weeks away! And if you can’t make it this year, make sure to head to our webstore on Wednesday, September 15th.

We’ll see you there!

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Our friends at Customeeple are joining our pool party with some brand new terrain. This sunken pirate ship is perfect for players who want to duke it out as Mary “Blacktongue” Bonnet and her undead pirates against Adi Adara and her black blooded mermen. You can pick up this fantastic terrain and all sorts of Malifaux-themed tokens right now on their webstore.

WY Wyrd Nightmare Edition 2021 5

Quelle: Wyrd Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich würde sie mir sofort holen, wenn ich wüsste dass ein Box mit den „fehlenden Nephilim“ – also dem 3. Terrortod, dem 3. und 4. Young Nephilim und den beiden Matures im gleichen style kommt (oder gibt), damit alles a) optisch konsistent ist und b) ich nicht die ganzen anderen Nephilim Boxen kaufen müsste (und damit Zeug doppelt hab).

    • sehe ich ähnlich. Bleibt die Box so alleine ist sie ein hübsches Vitrinengoodie oder ein kleines Malprojekt ohne Spielansatz, mehr nicht

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