von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

LV427 Designs: Neuheiten

LV427 Designs haben neue Sets im Programm.

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LV427 Designs – Neuheiten

Hey there,

This month, is the month so many have been waiting for.  The start of designs for the Starwarz universe.

We kick it off with our tribute to a well known blockade runner.  Introducing the Boarding and Service Corridors.

Here are 14 new designs for you to have fun with. Go ahead and set up those Rebels in a futile attempt to stop

the invading Empire troops determined to steal plans from our favourite friendly droids.

These sets are fully compatible with all our other 150+ Corridors and Rooms sci-fi sets released to date.

Get to the mapper software and start planning out setups you have always been dreaming off.

And for all you Alien fans, not to worry, we have many more designs on the way along with a completely

revamped website for you to navigate a little easier.


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And for those of you that would like a copy of our latest AGDITC Battle Report, here it is.

If you have missed some of the other Battle reports, they can be found here.


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This report includes a comic book style 3-page intro, a narrative turn by turn game play on just how

badly things went for us, house rules, and map setup followed by a list of terrain needed for your own game.

We hope that you enjoy the read and have fun playing an alternate game using our terrain system.

For those of you interested, we are sponsoring a painting competition at our Facebook group.

Come and join and get the latest in our efforts to bring you new designs.  Get involved in our

design meetings by offering ideas, feedback, or just share some of your amazing design pics.

Come see what we are currently working on and get early releases of our latest designs.

So dust of those paint brushes, download the free file “Corridor Last Stand” from our Website

and get to entering to win some prize vouchers worth, $100, $50 and $25.

With so much going on, it’s hard to believe we found the time to update the mapper software.

But, we did, with the very latest releases including the Hive Rails, Tech Corridors and Starwarz designs.

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And look forward to more on the horizon with our latest partnership, Papsikels.

So many amazing designs are on the way with the help of one of the top

miniature designers on the web, so stay tuned….

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This is just the start… of what’s to come…  Cue Starwarz music.

Thanks, Mark and the Gang


Quelle: LV427 Designs

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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