von BK-Pascal | 09.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Fantasy

Loot Studio: Fantasy Bundle Snowy Mountain Summit

Im November wird es eisig bei Lootstudio. In diesem Monat haben sie für Abonnenten ein STL-Paket passend für frostige Szenarien zusammengestellt.


Lootfantheroes Lootfantenemy Lootfantnpc Lootfantobjects Lootfanbusts

The adventurers get their hands on an ancient treasure, but still have no clue what its powers are. As they ponder on how to investigate the artifact, a Sending spell reaches them:

Army approaches Panshaw. Adult Red Dragon. Get help from Mount Jamanroliki’s summit guardian, or doomed. You’re our only hope. Panshaw’s Mayor, Edward.

The heroes have a chance to answer the Sending with a message of their own:

Worry not, mr. Mayor, for help is on the way. We’ll climb that summit in no time and be back for our well deserved… – and the message ends. Improvising 25 word responses is hard, even for heroes.

As they rush out of the pyramid, the sun sets, and with it, the pyramid goes underground. After a timely escape from a sand burial, the adventurers set off on another time-sensitive mission — they must get help before Panshaw collapses under siege.

The sight of the snowy mountains is awe-inspiring. Knowing there are no trails that lead to the top, our heroes make their own path, fighting both the harsh weather and the aggressive inhabitants. The journey is arduous and dangerous, but through grit and the will to protect Panshaw, they finally reach the summit and start searching for its guardian…



Art Director:

Alvaro Ribeiro


Lucas Gribel

Concept Artist:

Guilherme Motta


Breno Salles – Sword and Board Skeleton, Barbarian Skeleton, Skeleton Mage

Douglas Martins – Ice Troll, Wendigo

Gabriel Laet – Werebeast – (Boss),

Leandro Pavanelli – Ice Golem

Michel Rodrigues – Remorhaz, Sabertooth, Dwarven Enchanted Blacksmith (NPC)

Pedro Yang – Yeti, Walrusfolk Harpoone

Rafael Salessi – Frost Duergar, Bearguin and Young Bearguin

Rafael Ussuy – Taes of the Frozen Tundra (Human Frost Druid), Werebear

Uesley dos Santos – Rhal Bearslayer (Human Barbarian), Levisteus Caniatus (Tiefling Sorcerer),

Wender Ferreira – Objects


Márcia Georgina

3D Support Team:

Henrique Rodrigues (Supports)

Vany Paulo (Supports)

Lucas Regadas (Supports)

Jonathan Rodrigues (Supports)

The STL files are pre-supported for 32mm and 75mm. You also will receive the LYCHEE files so you can modify the supports and print in other scales.


Quelle: Loot Studio


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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