von BK-Christian | 13.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Last Sword: The Tree Kin Kickstarter [NSFW]

Von Last Sword kommen neue Elfen.

LS Elven Lords The Tree Kin 1

Und darum geht es:

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Welcome to Nomen-Betu, the elven forest where our eighth Kickstarter campaign is born.

This is not our first elven campaign but it is the first time we delve deep into the Wood Elves forest. We cant wait to tell you about these magical lands and creatures that dwell in this fabled woodland, that is… if the elves allow us.

Although these models have been designed to be used with 9th Age’s Sylvan Elves rule book roster,  we include both round and square bases so you can use these amazing miniatures however you like.

This Kickstarter campaign contains highly detailed miniatures AND terrain pieces for scenery. Both have been designed for 32mm scale battles, we recommend printing the high detailed miniatures with an SLA resin printer and the scenery with a PLA FDM printer.

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Nomen-Betu, forest paths.

Nomen-Betu is a beautiful land bearing gifts and rare magics to those who know where and what to look for. A mystic fog enshrouds this land,  who knows what treasures may be found under the shadow of these colossal trees.

From now until the end of Kickstarter, we will show a new model every day (Saturdays off). Follow our campaign and get forest mysteries news on Kickstarter, facebook: LastSword Miniatures Facebook and our web: LastSwordMiniatures.

A new model unlocked every day:

  • Forest Borders → Unlocked!
  • Stone Circle → Open the 12 of October.
  • Elven Ruins → Open the 15th of October.
  • Sacred Tree → Open the 18th of October.
  • King’s Hunter Falls → Open the 24th of October.
  • Watchtower Tree → Open the 27th of October.
  • The Olds → Open the 29 of October.
  • Dragon’s Rock → Open the 1st of November.

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Elven Glade Watchers

When the Hunters message is not clear enough for the enemy, Nomen-Betu calls apon their Glade forces. Shields and spears restrain the enemies, while a rain of arrows deliver their deadly and clear message.

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Nomen-Betu Forest

Nomen-Betu’s thicket seems endless. Where one wood ends, another emerges, the green canopy is overarching. This is a dense and vast forest kingdom.

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How to pledge

Pledging is so easy with this campaign. it is a simple two-step process and then the digital files will be yours!

Select your pledge on Kickstarter and get your reward at LastSword.com when the campaign comes to the end.

*Supported Files

You will be able to download plain and pre-supported files. Pre-supported files are a complimentary gift that is included in the pledge. So we will not charge you for it.

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Furthermore, we offer the same pre-supported files that we use in our online store at LastSword.com . We carefully check, test check, and test everything again to make sure you receive the best possible end result.

Will be avariable in the future?

Models  will be avariable at LastSword.com as digital files and printed on deman miniatures onces the Pledge Manager ends. Prices will be so different, visit LastSword.com to figurate out them.

Whats next?

After the launch of the Elven Lords: We will be doing the Queen Duty Kickstarter campaign, we want to provide a different way to get our miniatures. 3D printers will be our best allies this time, and will help us to reach our goals!

Yes, this time we are not working with physical models. This campaign is full of digital files, that you will be able to print at home, you guys wanted this and requested it so please enjoy it.

But do not worry, we have many more plans for future releases both in physical models and printable files. Thank you for your support LastSword is proud to share these models with all our backers.

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 21 Tage.

Quelle: Elven Lords – The Tree Kin


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Jo, ganz nette Waldelfen. Für meinen Geschmack aber etwas zu stabil gebaut für Elfen. Also wieder nur Menschen mit spitzen Ohren. Und für mich hätte es die blanke Brust bei der Klingentänzerin jetzt nicht gebraucht.

  • Uuhhh ich bin echt angetan von den Minis. Leider kenn ich niemand mit 3d Drucker und weiß auch sonst nicht wie die Qualität von solchen Sachen ist :-(. Sonst hätt ich fast überlegt einzusteigen.

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