Last Sword Miniatures: November Patreon [NSFW]
Last Sword Miniatures haben Bilder zu den Miniaturen ihres November Patreon veröffentlicht.
Well, here we have the compilation of the month.
This month may not be the highest in terms of numbers but in terms of quality I think we have achieved many very interesting and new pieces.
I know that right now there are some unanswered private messages. We are a bit overloaded of the kickstarter. I hope tomorrow I can catch up with everyone.
I’ll start working on the supports so they will be ready on the 15th. Did you find the last month’s ones more comfortable?
Bwahah, die golden Balls Quest, hach das war.schon toll.
Das Abbild (Foto) eines Abbilds (Miniatur) eines Abbilds (Statue) eines nackten Menschen ist in unserer Arbeitswelt anstössig.