Kraken Fantasy Dungeons: Kickstarter läuft
Ein Kickstarter für STL-Files von modularen Dungeons und Fantasy Miniaturen wird aktuell finanziert.
Welcome adventurer, you are about to embark on a quest that will forever change the way you play your favorite „Dungeon Crawlers“.
At KRAKEN STUDIOS we have developed a system of modular tiles / pieces for 3D PRINTING that allows you to create all kinds of DUNGEONS, CAVES or any MEDIEVAL FANTASY environment that will take your games to the next level.
Our adventurer in the depths of the STONE DUNGEON
Your dungeons will no longer be the same
simple but very robust hooking system… WAIT for the GIF to play …
For KRAKEN FANTASY DUNGEONS we have also created several sets of MINIATURES with great detail. ADVENTURERS to explore the scenarios and loads of ENEMIES to represent the hordes of evil that inhabit the dungeons.
„THE TILE“ Our basic unit of measure for this project is the TILE, We have developed a system of pieces (tiles) representing corridors, rooms and special pieces such as stairs or other extra elements.
Tiles are divided into 30mm squares, as we believe this is a standard unit that works with most gaming systems.
We have created tiles for any combination of squares, to make them compatible with as many game systems as possible.
In addition to this during the campaign we will create many more through the STRETCH GOALS and your requests to expand the game experience even more.
A simple 4×4 squares „Cursed Cave Tile“
WALLS and SIMPLE versions: every tile has two versions: one with vertical elements to simulate walls, and another one without the walls, to simulate a more flat game board. You can choose which look you want for your board or combine both.
Simple version and complete version of the same tile
SIMPLE HITCH: The hooking system that we have designed allows the pieces to be attached in a simple but at the same time very firm way, facilitating the creation of the dungeons as the characters discover them.
The Kraken „SImple key“, easy to fit but creates very strong bonds
WHY PARTIAL WALLS? We have decided to remove part of the walls for many reasons. The first is an AESTHETIC PROPOSAL. We want to create unique spaces that can be appreciated from all angles. The walls are there, but we are looking through them. It is an approach similar to that of many video games.
Another reason is the GAMEPLAY, we believe that having more space to move our miniatures in a comfortable way, without elements that block the action area, is an innovative factor that helps the development of the games and brings more fun to the table.
Finally, we definitely believe that this type of proposal considerably INCREASES COMFORT when setting up the game board. No more spending time assembling the tiles than playing!
The STONE DUNGEON „X Cross Section“
3D PRINT READY: All the elements are meticulously and professionally split for optimal 3D printing with minimal support. They all have been printed and tested before the campaing started.
PLA AND RESIN PRINTERS: We have prepared the files so that they can be printed in PLA and RESIN printers . With splitted versions for the smallest printing surfaces.
Easy print files
SCATTER TERRAIN: you can use the wall pieces as „Scatter Terrain“ elements for your table top games. This is more scatter terrain than you could dream of!!!
You can use all the VERTICAL elements as SCATTER TERRAIN
THE ADVENTURERS. Every DUNGEON needs brave adventurers to explore their corridors and rooms, discovering all the secrets that are hidden in it.
The ADVENTURERS MINIATURE STARTER PACK is included in the STONE DUNGEON CORE SET and consists of 6 exclusive characters, meticulously crafted and tested for 28 mm heroic scale miniatures. We will keep adding many more through Stretch Goals !! You will get the STL files of these MINIS plus all the unlocked STONE DUNGEON related MINIS from the Stretch Goals. All miniatures are PRESUPORTED and have been printed and tested on several different machines.
The miniatures are unique and full of life and detail
THE STONE DUNGEON has the classic DUNGEON style, ideal to represent halls and rooms with the classic FANTASY and MEDIEVAL look that we use in so many games. Consist of 30 HALLS (Corridors), 14 ROOMS, 7 DOORS and 8 SPECIAL CUSTOM ROOMS.
standard 4×4 squares tile
„T cross section“, from narrow corridor to double squares corridor
Classic look, the STONE DUNGEON fits with any medieval fantasy style
The set includes a huge amount of tiles in the form of ROOMS, HALLS and DOORS with great detail. Remember that you can use ALL WALLS and vertical elements as SCATTER TERRAIN and that all tiles come in two versions. One, complete, with all the vertical elements and another simple, without these elements.
The STONE DUNGEON comes with an ENEMIES STARTER PACK that live in the dungeon chambers and protect its hidden treasures and secrets. We will be adding MANY MORE as the STRETCH GOALS are unlocked!
THE CURSED CAVE The creatures that inhabit these caves will kill any adventurer who dares to enter their domain. This set of tiles is perfect to represent caves, mines or dungeons created in a more uneven terrain. They can also be combined with any of the other sets.
Our wizard leading the way in the CURSED CAVE
Remember that you can use ALL WALLS and vertical elements as SCATTER TERRAIN and that all tiles come in two versions. One, complete, with all the vertical elements and another simple, without these elements.
The CURSED CAVE its perfect for represent caves, mines and rocky interior environments
Basic 4×4 squares CURSED CAVE room
A basic 6×2 CURSED CAVE hall
a simple 4×4 squares CURSED CAVE room
The CURSED CAVE ENEMIES PACK will be unlocked through STRETCH GOALS as the campaign progresses. Remember that you must acquire the CURSED CAVE (The CHAMPION contribution) to be eligible for these rewards.
UPS!!!……. You’ve gone too low !! Deep within the bowels of this dungeon something evil is happening, the walls are transformed into pieces of flesh and metal, and unspeakable dangers lurk for our adventurers.
WELCOME TO HELL is the most bizarre version of our dungeons. Hell breaks through the ancient architectural structures and the spaces are transformed into real nightmares.
This set will not be suitable for delicate stomachs or for adventurers who are not willing to face the true evil that lives in it.
This set will be revealed as the campaign progresses, we will be adding content every day.
Hell breaks through the dungeon
The stone turns into flesh and metal
The WELCOME TO HELL ENEMIES PACK will be unlocked through STRETCH GOALS as the campaign progresses. Remember that you must acquire the WELCOME TO HELL (DUNGEON MASTER CONTRIBUTION) to be eligible for these rewards.
At KRAKEN STUDIOS we are very excited about this project. We believe that the KICKSTARTER campaign is the best platform to create this modular system for ALL OUR GAMES. We have created the pieces to be compatible with various classic game systems like HEROQUEST ™, ADVANCED HEROQUEST ™, WARHAMER QUEST ™ and many more.
Those of you who know us, know that we take your comments and requests very seriously. Our goal is that during the campaign we manage to make the system even more compatible with other game systems. For this, we encourage you to ask us for the pieces we need to complete your favorite games, rooms you need, corridors of a certain length or width, or any request that provides greater compatibility to the project.
an evil champion waiting for his next victim
Through the STRETCH GOALS we will be taking out new TILES, MINIATURES, PROPS and even NEW DUNGEONS with other themes, such as an ICE DUNGEON. The idea is that the campaign grows with you. And that we can make the most of the communication that is established between us, the studio, and you, the backers.
KRAKEN FANTASY DUNGEONS is part of a much more ambitious project than a tile system. Despite our desire that the tiles will be compatible with any existing game system, we want to create a game system with its own rules, campaigns and expansions. Everything in digital format. We believe that the possibilities that this offers us are extraordinary and we will continue to explore this path.
For this reason we will be creating support material to adapt the pieces to your game systems and creating our own KRAKEN FANTASY DUNGEONS universe.
dungeon or event cards are some of these support materials we will give you as the campaign progresses
During the campaign we will be expanding the downloadable content (FREE) so that you can adapt the tiles to your game systems as best as possible. As we have mentioned before, your involvement will be very important to achieve it.
Stretch Goals:
We have tons of STRETCH GOALS ready to be unlocked!
More adventurers and enemies , as well as totally UNIQUE TILES that will expand the possibilities of the game even more. And who knows? We can get to unlock totally new DUNGEONS and playing fields.
You will have access to the different STRETCH GOALS depending on your CONTRIBUTION. With this ICONS code you will be able to know which stretch golas belong to you depending on your contribution.
Make sure you have the necessary contribution to be able to access the different STRETCH GOALS
six 25mm bases and 3 32 mm bases for your MINIS
Every dungeon should have rooms and props for its minions
a narrow passageway, perfect for ambushes
more props for your dungeons
there is no dungeon that does not have treasures to discover
the inhabitants of the dungeon have made a contraption to move between the different levels
beware of these creatures that have come from hell….
something in this room makes the air unbreathable…FINAL IMAGE COMING SOON
these cave minions will give you a hard time
book shelves where to find spells, potions or arcane artifacts
every Dungeon Boss should have a room like this
dimensional portals, secret doors and much more …
Three MINIATURES of tormented souls warriors
Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 23 Tage.
Da bin ich dabei. Gefallen mir sehr gut und der Resin-Verbrauch sollte überschaubar bleiben, da die Wände nur angedeutet sind. Habe lange nach dem perfekten 3D-Terrain für Dungeon Universalis gesucht und nun gefunden. Sie haben heute geschrieben, dass sie diese Woche einen Proberaum zum testen zur Verfügung stellen wollen.
Sehr schön. Berichten bitte. Kann man bestimmt auch auf 15mm Maßstab runterscalen
😂 Genau das habe ich auch gedacht… das ist schon reizvoll…
Erinnert mich irgendwie an diablo. Leider habe ich keinen sla Drucker. Für meinen fdm ist rocketpiggames oder dragons rest besser.
Ich habe mir Mal den early bird gesichert. Der läuft ja heute Nacht aus. Aber Ich warte noch auf das Demo-Tile. Ich habe schon Recht viele Dungeon Tile Systeme (inkl. D&L) aber sie haben ja alle Vor- und Nachteile. Wenn die sich mit meinen existierenden System irgendwie kombinieren lassen, wären das schon schöne Tiles.
Die Idee mit den nur angedeuteten Wänden find ich sehr cool und die Bodenplatten ausgesprochen hübsch. 🙂 So enge Gänge mit Wänden sind ja immer etwas unpraktisch und friemelig.
Leider hab ich keinen Drucker… 🙁
Uuund bin dabei – Danke für den Tipp 😊
Quasi schonmal ein Vorab-Invest zum geplanten Ellegoo Mars 2 Pro 😁
Pst nimm einen prozen…
Elegoo hat eine sehr bescheidene Versorgungslage
Ohh in wie fern meinst Du das? Was Ersatzteile angeht oder Verbrauchsmaterialien?
Ich hatte mich da ziemlich eingehend Informiert und Vergleiche von Anycubic, Ellegoo etc. angesehen. Da schien mir der Mars 2 Pro Preis-Leistungs Sieger gewesen zu sein. Wenn auch knapp 😁
Ich hatte vor auch in den nächsten ein, zwei Monaten meinen Elegoo Mars zu einem Mars 2 Pro aufzurüsten.
Liegt es wirklich „nur“ am Resin? Da nutze ich eh das von 3DJake, also deren Hausmarke… weiß aber nicht ob es taugt da ich keinen Vergleich habe. Es kommt halt immer sehr glänzend aus der UV Kammer was mich schon etwas nervt aber ansonsten hatte ich (noch) keinen Grund zu Elegoos Resin zu wechseln. Doch wie gesagt, mir fehlt da der Vergleich.
Da bin ich mir nicht so sicher, was genau Zyklopenschlange damit gemeint hat. Ich kann nur aus meiner Sicht als Hobbydrucker reden. Die für mich wichtigsten Dinge – FEP-Film, Resin, Filter – habe ich bislang ohne Probleme bekommen und sind ohnehin eher Elegoo unabhängig. Die Drucker sind häufig ausverkauft und wie es mit dem Support aussieht, sollte mal was Ernsthaftes kaputt gegangen sein, weiß ich leider auch nicht. Mich haben die Qualität (des Geräts und der Drucke) und die einfache Bedienung überzeugt.
Beim Mars2pro gehts langsam mit den Spareparts, beim Saturn ists weiterhin kritisch und ein Display sollte da auf keinen Fall ausfallen. FEP-Film gibts guten in Holland und Elegoo Resin ist nur selten ausverkauft bei den gängigen Quellen. Wenn man mit dem Display pfleglich umgeht dann wird das auf alle Fälle so lange halten, bis die Pandemiebedingten Versorgungslücken wieder geschlossen sind.
Unabhängig davon sind Phrozen Drucker schon eine wirklich tolle Angelegenheit und bringen eine sehr gute Performance. Nur kosten sie halt dann auch mal eine guten Summe mehr.
Elegoo hat ein Ankündigung ohne Folgen Problem sie legen gern mal ne gut Maschine wie den Neptune 2 für einen Brecherpreis auf haben diese dann aber kaum lieferbar oder keine Ersatzteile verfügbar das geht schon seit es elegoo gibt so.
Das resin von Ihnen mag ich und das auch immer gut zu bekommen.
Habe selbst seit einem halben Jahr den Elegoo Mars 2 Pro und bin sehr glücklich damit. Er ist sehr leicht zu benutzen und bislang klappte so ziemlich alles auch reibungslos. Einziger Kritikpunkt: Elegoo liefert neben einem Plastikspachtel auch einen Metallspachtel mit, um die Drucke zu lösen. Den würde ich allerdings niemals dafür benutzen, denn der verkratzt dir sehr schnell deine Druckfläche.
Es stimmt, dass manche Resinsorten häufiger ausverkauft sind, allerdings kann man dann auch gemütlich auf andere Farben des selben Resins ausweichen. Ich selbst habe recht viel gedruckt und bin immer zwischen dem ELEGOO ABS-Like 3D Drucker Resin in Grau und in Beige hin und her geswitcht. Ich bemale allerdings auch meine Drucke, deswegen ist mir die Farbe des Resins insgesamt egal.
Für weitere Infos kann ich nur den Youtube-Kanal mpoxDE empfehlen, da dort recht ausführliche Reviews und Guides zu 3D-Druckern zu finden sind.
Top, dann bleibe ich bei der Entscheidung: Mars 2 Pro und dazu ne feine Mercury Wash and Cure Station. Ach ich freu mich schon 😁