von BK-Bob | 05.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Pulp

Klukva Miniatures: Neuheiten

Bei Klukva Miniatures gibt es einige Neuzugänge.

Klukva Archangel 1 Klukva Archangel 2 Klukva Archangel 3 Klukva Archangel 4 Klukva Archangel

Archangel – 12,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~40mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Archdevil 1 Klukva Archdevil 2 Klukva Archdevil 3 Klukva Archdevil 4 Klukva Archdevil 5

Archdevil – 11,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~40mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva ChainsawMANiac 1 Klukva ChainsawMANiac 2 Klukva ChainsawMANiac 3 Klukva ChainsawMANiac 4

ChainsawMANiac – 10,30€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~37mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Clown Maniac 1 Klukva Clown Maniac 2 Klukva Clown Maniac 3 Klukva Clown Maniac 4

Clown Maniac – 10,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~37mm to the top of the head.

Material: high quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash model using warm water with a soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Nightmare Maniac 1 Klukva Nightmare Maniac 2 Klukva Nightmare Maniac 3

Nightmare Maniac – 10,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~37mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Rotten Zombie 1 Klukva Rotten Zombie 2 Klukva Rotten Zombie 3 Klukva Rotten Zombie 4 Klukva Rotten Zombie 5 Klukva Rotten Zombie 6 Klukva Rotten Zombie 7 Klukva Rotten Zombie 8 Klukva Rotten Zombie 9

Rotten Zombie – 25,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: 50 mm to the top of the head

Material: high quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash model using warm water with a soap.

Sculpted by: Alexander Kovalev

Klukva Screaming Maniac 1 Klukva Screaming Maniac 2 Klukva Screaming Maniac 3 Klukva Screaming Maniac 4

Screaming Maniac – 10,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~37mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Spider Monster 1 Klukva Spider Monster 2 Klukva Spider Monster 3 Klukva Spider Monster 4 Klukva Spider Monster 5 Klukva Spider Monster 6

Spider Monster – 18,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: 40 mm to the top of the head

Material: high quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash model using warm water with a soap.

Sculpted by: Alexander Kovalev

Klukva Stranger Demon 1 Klukva Stranger Demon 2 Klukva Stranger Demon 3 Klukva Stranger Demon 4

Stranger Demon – 10,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~35mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Titan 1 Klukva Titan 2 Klukva Titan 3 Klukva Titan 4

Titan – 11,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: ~40mm to the top of the head.

Material: high-quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash the model using warm water with soap.

Sculpted by: Sergey Bondar aka „Anastas“

Klukva Zombie Zombie 1 Klukva Zombie Zombie 2 Klukva Zombie Zombie 3 Klukva Zombie Zombie 4 Klukva Zombie Zombie 5 Klukva Zombie Zombie 6 Klukva Zombie Zombie 7

Zombie Zombie – 11,00€

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletop games and collecting.

Supplied unpainted and assembly required. Flat plastic base included!

Size: 30mm to the top of the head

Material: high quality resin. To assemble use super glue. Before assembling recommended to wash model using warm water with a soap.

Sculpted by: Alexander Kovalev

Quelle: Klukva Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • „Mein Leben für Ner’zhul“ heißt das. ;P
      Aber, ja der/die Nerubier gefällt mir von den gezeigten auch am besten. Kleiner bzw die Monstrositären waren nie mein Stil und der Ghoul ist eher von Warcraft 3 – den DK-Ghoul finde ich cooler.

      Der „Demogorgon“ ist auch gut – aber recht klein, scheint mir.

      Hommagen fände ich netter. Statt so direkt Abgekupfertes.

  • Boah, Engel und Teufel brauch ich, hoffentlich hab ich genug Edelsteine und Quecksilber.

    HoMM3 soll übrigens irgendwann nächstes Jahr auch ein Brettspiel bekommen. Da bin ich auch sehr gespannt.

  • Oof, das „Spider Monster“ sieht ja schon echt gruselig aus. Wenn’s das bloß in bunter, vielleich etwas polygon armer (dark) Comic Grafik gäbe

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