von bkredaktion | 10.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Pulp

Khurasan Miniatures: Neue Previews

Khurasan Miniatures zeigen auf Facebook neue Previews für kommende Produkte, mit Sauriern und Pferden in 15mm.

Khurasan Miniatures Late Jurassic Of North America 15mm Preview

Don’t tread on us — or *we’ll tread on you*. Camarasaurus, a future release for Khurasan’s Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic of North America) range of 15mm models.

Khurasan Miniatures Numidian Horses 15mm

Numidian horses in 15mm. Their ponies seem to have been a separate breed all their own, so we are making separate horses for them, to make these important horsemen as accurate as possible for our upcoming Punic and Macedonian Wars range.

Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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