von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.01.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Kensei: Undead Rising Kickstarter

Zenit Miniatures starten den Undead Rising Kickstarter für Kensei.


Die Kampagne:

It is our pleasure to present to you our new crowdfunding for the  Zenit Miniatures’ Kensei range of models. Kensei is a Samurai tabletop  wargame set in the fantastic world of Himukai.

In  this Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign we will create a great set of  miniatures for the Undead Army. These miniatures would be used in  Kensei Miniature Wargame, but they could also be used in roleplaying  games, other wargames or for artistic painting. We are also working on  the Kensei rules for ever creature and character included in this  campaign.

Thank you for your constant encouragement; without you none of this  would be possible. We hope you like this campaign and that you help us  reach our goals by sharing it with your friends.

Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter 2

Stretch Goals:

All the Stretch Goals Unlocked are free miniatures in the pledge levels where they are included. Remember to check wich element or pledge is the miniature related. All the miniatures unlocked can be also added to your pledge as add-ons if they are not included on it or you just want to add more than one.

Dragon Stretch Goals are only related to the Undead Dragon Item and will be included in this element if you add it to your pledge.

Hero Stretch Goals will be added to all the pledges that includes it.

Taisho Stretch Goals will be added to all the pledges that includes it.

Daimyo Stretch Goals will be added to all the pledges that includes it.

Add-on Stretch Goals will be inlcuded in the Shogun Plegde.

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Pledges & Add-Ons:

Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter 1 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 1 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 2 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 3 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 4 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 5 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 6 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 7 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 8 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 9 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 10 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 11 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 12 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 13 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 14 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 15 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 16 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 17 Kensei Undead Rising Kickstarter A 18




Derzeit steht der KS bei 9.700 EUR (Ziel sind 4.000 EUR) und läuft bis 17. Januar 2021 23:00 CET

Link: Kensei Undead Rising

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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