von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Jurassic Tribe: Kickstarter

Jurassic Tribe ist ein Kickstarter für 3D Modelle von Dinos in einer einer Fantasy-Welt.


Das Projekt:

„Welcome to Jurassic Tribe!“

Or should I say welcome to my new campaign of 3d printable miniatures ! It covers classic dinosaurs style with a realistic feeling as well as fantasy variations, and some surprises.  All models are fit for tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons. There are over 40 unique designs by me! Don’t have a 3d printer ? I have options for you too !

The T-rex Hunter pledge gives access to every single miniature unlocked in this campaign. The files are provided and stored permanently on MyMiniFactory, so you can download them anytime. There is one „early bird“ tier with the exact same content, don’t miss it! Don’t own a 3d printer ? I have a pledge for you ! Interested in selling physical prints ? I have a pledge for you too !

(*) See the section „Pledges“ for more information.

Kurassic Tribe KS22 Kurassic Tribe KS23 Kurassic Tribe KS4 Kurassic Tribe KS5 Kurassic Tribe KS6 Kurassic Tribe KS7 Kurassic Tribe KS8 Kurassic Tribe KS9 Kurassic Tribe KS10 Kurassic Tribe KS11 Kurassic Tribe KS12 Kurassic Tribe KS13 Kurassic Tribe KS14 Kurassic Tribe KS15 Kurassic Tribe KS16 Kurassic Tribe KS17 Kurassic Tribe KS18 Kurassic Tribe KS19 Kurassic Tribe KS20 Kurassic Tribe KS24 Kurassic Tribe KS25 Kurassic Tribe KS21

Die Pledge-Level:

Trex Hunter (33,00 USD – 36,00 USD)

The Trex Hunter pledge includes all miniatures unlocked in this campaign (Base set + all unlocked stretch goal). This campaign includes the digital files (.STL and .Chitubox) to 3d print at home. All miniatures are provided with and without the supported version, which is test printed on Anycubic Photon, Elegoo Mars and Elegoo Saturn. Files are delivered through MyMiniFactory.com so you don’t have to worry about storing the files on an external drive!

Physical Pledge

This pledge covers the delivery cost of the miniatures, you will have access to the add ons screen where you can select all miniatures you would like to get. Note that the delivery cost is paid only once, regardless of how many miniatures you select!

Not all miniatures from this campaign are available as physical pledge (see stretch goal section part). Also, stay tuned for the stretch goals, some of them could also be available as physical option !

I work with an experienced manufacturer for the physical delivery, if you have any question, have a look at the Q&A section or just send me a message !

Merchant Tier

There are two merchant tier pledges: One with a 1-year selling license and one without (where you need to remain in a merchant tier on patreon.com/clynche).

In both cases, the merchant license terms and conditions are detailed on patreon.com/clynche.  Any question ? There is a merchant corner on my discord server !


Stand 13.000,00 EUR (Ziel waren 1.000 EUR)

Ende Fri, May 28 2021 11:59 PM CEST

Link: Jurassic Tribe KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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