von BK-Christian | 13.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Interceptor: Kickstarter läuft

Ein Kickstarter mit kleinen Raumschiffen sucht Fans.

Interceptor is FASA’s first game in our new Aetherstream universe.

The aetherstream opened the stars to us. Building gates to bridge rivers of aether, we left the cradle of humanity and settled hundreds of new worlds. Under the Terran Commonwealth we prospered. Intrepid pilots scouted the aetherstream for new prime worlds. Then everything changed, humanity was struck by a period of great suffering culminating in the disappearance of Earth and the Sol system. They just vanished. Years of chaos and reconstruction has now reached a careful balance between what remains. The Terran Commonwealth, Callistonian Empire, Babylonian Union, Free Trade Directorate, and the Allied Worlds all established themselves as the powers that control the gates, the path between the prime worlds.

Now that balance is threatened, a new prime world has been discovered, one that is rumored to have resources in quantities rare for even a prime. Exploitation of this world could tip the balance of power between the five factions. Open conflict has broken out between the Terran Commonwealth and the Callistonian Empire with more soon to follow.

Interceptor is the game of space fighter combat to resolve these conflicts. Pitting fighter against fighter, this is combat to control the local space around any important installation, location or convoy. Future games will cover ground combat and fleet battles for the control of planets and resources.

FASA Interceptor 1

In our 40 year history, we have published many combat games. Interceptor takes from the best of them to create a fast system that is fun and easy to play. Battles between 6 to 12 fighters per side should be resolved in an hour.

The basic game contains 40 fighters, hex maps, 2 maneuver templates and plenty of dice. Fighter cards and pilot cards keep track of stats and condition. It’s all here ready for you to play right out of the box.

Pitting the Terran Commonwealth against The Callistonian Empire, each side is represented by two each of 10 different fighter designs, each with its own stand.

FASA Interceptor 2

Each fighter and pilot has their own record card for easy reference.

FASA Interceptor 3

Movement is plotted using the Maneuver Template

FASA Interceptor 4

The game is played on two beautiful hex maps.

FASA Interceptor 5

What game is complete with out dice. Interceptor comes with 20 d10s and one d6.

A full color rulebook

FASA Interceptor 6

And finally, two dry erase markers

FASA Interceptor 7

And here are some photos of painted versions of some of our prototype models. Remember that these are just prototype 3D prints.

FASA Interceptor 8 FASA Interceptor 9 FASA Interceptor 10 FASA Interceptor 11

The setting of Aetherstream finds human explored space divided into five major factions.  Currently The Terran Commonwealth in open conflict with the Callistonian Empire and the Allied Worlds.  After initial success and then suffering counter attacks all find themselves in a stalemate.  The discovery of a new prime world threatens to upset this balance.

Terrain Commonwealth

The Terran Commonwealth is the loyalist remains of the once grand collection of prime worlds and their neighboring planets.  Controlled by the 5 Grand Marshals, their current strategy is to unite their people by fighting a common foe.  The current problem is that they find themselves fighting on two fronts against the Empire and the Allied Worlds.

Callistonian Empir

The Callistonian Empire was one of the first to splinter away from the Commonwealth.  Lead by the charismatic Anastasia Callisto, they united industrial and commercial powers to create a successful Empire.  So successful that they declared themself Imperatrix.

Babylonian Union

The Babylonian Union feels itself as the true successor to the original Commonwealth.  Holding to the old ways, perhaps too rigidly, they maneuver behind the scenes propping up one system and working against another to maintain the balance of power.  The current open conflicts between the Commonwealth, Empire and Allied Worlds will test this strategy.

Free Trade Directorate

The Free Trade Directorate began as an alliance of convenience between neighboring worlds to ensure the easy passage of goods and services.  This ensured the steady accumulation of wealth and the power that follows.  Less able and sure in the use of that power, the Directorate prefers to insinuate their way into a planetary system until the owners discover that the Directorate is now controlling things.

Allied World

The Alliance of Independent Worlds or Allied Worlds began as a group of three prime worlds and their supporting clusters of systems. With no desire to play politics but forced into alliance because of the actions of others, the Allied Worlds make up their lack of numbers with superior technology.  Sometimes they are willing to sell to anyone with the money they are fending off the attacks of the Commonwealth.

Die Kampagne läuft noch 27 Tage.

Quelle: Interceptor


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich finde, dass hat was….kann nur selber schwer einschätzen, was.

    Mag Hexfelder, hat was von Wing Commander und erinnert mich ein bisschen an den alt n Babylon 5 Skirmisher.

    Die Ja Seite selbst ist halt sehr übersichtlich.

    Aus denen Bildern der Flieger hatte man wohl auch mehr rausholen bzw
    zeigen können.

    Zudem verstehen ich nicht, wieso es Rundbasen sind, wenn es auf Hexfelder gespielt wird.

    Und diese Triangel Stands Finde ich auch seltsam

    Da gibt es doch die PEG Lösung von Wings of war/Glory bzw. X Wing.

  • 30 Jahre später und FASA bringt dann doch noch offiziell ein Renegade Legion: Interceptor 2.0 raus, auch wenn außer dem Namen nicht mehr viel davon übrig blieb. XD

    @Alfgard: Das mit den fehlenden Hexfeldern kapier ich auch nicht, aber die „Triangel“ soll wohl das stylisierte „A“ in Aetherstream sein. Eines der Stretchgoals sieht ein ähnliches Gimmick für die W10 vor.

  • Hier kann man sehr gut den Qualitätsabfall der Illustrationen in der Branche in den letzten 30 Jahren sehen. Bunter, schlecht gezeichneter Photoshop-Käse. Die Shareware Szene der frühen 90er hat angerufen und möchte seine Illustratoren zurück. Einfach traurig… Dann lieber wenig bis kein Artwork verwenden als solche Bilder…

  • Schade das sie das Simulationsmäßige Waffen/Damage System von Crimson Skies/Renegade Legion Interceptors 2.0 Prototyp total eingestampft und durch simple Hitpoints ersetzt haben.

    Das Verbunden mit hohen Preis, keinen EU Friendly Shipping, detailarmen/simplen/häßlichen Miniaturen (3D Printed Prototypes sollte mit halbwegs aktuellen Resin Printern keine Ausrede mehr sein – zumindest ein Schiff sollte in Finaler Qualität oder sei es nur nen Rendering vorzeigbar sein), beschänken nur auf Jäger (Man muß nicht gleich nen komplettes Capital Ship vs Capital Ship System liefern, aber Jäger gegen einzelne größere Schiffe wie Corvetten, Transpoter, Assault Carrier oder Raumstationen sollte es schon geben um nen etwas abwechslungsreiches Szenariendesign zu erlauben) … und ob es Monde, Planeten, Trümmerfelder, Asteroiden, Nebel, Minenfehlder als Terrain gibt oder einfach nur Leerer Weltraum ist offen

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