von BK-Bob | 22.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Juli Neuheiten

Die geplanten Veröffentlichungen von Corvus Belli für den Juli.

Infinity Cyberghost (Hacker, Pitcher) 1 Infinity Cyberghost (Hacker, Pitcher) 2 Infinity Cyberghost (Hacker, Pitcher) 3 Infinity Cyberghost (Hacker, Pitcher) 4

Cyberghost (Hacker, Pitcher) – 12,95€

The Cyberghosts are the SWAT team of the cyberpolice, the guys kicking doors down and assaulting heavily guarded cybercriminal dens. They are the kind of people who jump headfirst into virtual environments bristling with black ice and other lethal firewalls.

Thanks to their Pitcher there will be no area of the game table that is safe from the programs of your Hacker Plus or Killer Hacking Device.

Blister contains:

  • 1x Cyberghosts Hacker (Pitcher)

Infinity Varangian Guard (Boarding Shotgun) 1 Infinity Varangian Guard (Boarding Shotgun) 2 Infinity Varangian Guard (Boarding Shotgun) 3 Infinity Varangian Guard (Boarding Shotgun) 4

Varangian Guard (Boarding Shotgun) – 13,50€

The Varangians have made a place for themselves among the elite mercenaries of the Human Sphere. Because even though they wear uniforms and carry more modern weapons than any of their fellow countrymen, the Varangians remain crazed Ariadnans who fear nothing.

The Varangian are lethal at close range, and these berserkers have no problem reaching close combat

Blister contains:

  • 1x Varangian (Boarding Shotgun)

Infinity Trinitarian Tertiaries 1 Infinity Trinitarian Tertiaries 2 Infinity Trinitarian Tertiaries 3 Infinity Trinitarian Tertiaries 4 Infinity Trinitarian Tertiaries 5

Trinitarian Tertiaries – 31,95€

Trinitarians have mastered the use of stealth technology, and they are usually involved in sensitive operations that require the utmost precision and effectiveness, because the lives of good people in unfortunate circumstances are often at stake. For a Trinitarian, there is no margin of error.

The perfect box to give to your Military Orders Army Pack a bunch of Skirmishers options.

Box contains:

  • 1x Trinitarian (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Trinitarian (Submachine Gun)
  • 1x Trinitarian (Boarding Shotgun)

Infinity Shang Ji Invincibles

Shang Ji Invincibles – 42,95€

The new Shàng Jí (“Superior”) armor is quicker, lighter, and definitely better. Only the highest quality material is used for the brave defenders of the People. Because of this, the tough core unit of the StateEmpire Army, those regiments of Invincibles with the most brilliant records will receive the new Shàng Jí model.

If you need a fearsome assault force to cover the operational military needs for your Invincible Army  or for your Yu Jing Army from the Operation: Kaldstrom box, Shàng Jí are your unit.

Box contains:

  • 1x Shàng Jí (Heavy Machine Gun)
  • 1x Shàng Jí Tactical Awareness (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
  • 1x Shàng Jí (MULTI Rifle)
  • 1x Tinbot with Firewall (-6)

Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 1 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 2 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 3 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 4 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 5 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 6 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 7 Infinity 6th Airborne Ranger Reg 8

6th Airborne Ranger Reg – 18,95€

The Airborne Rangers are brave paratroopers who never step back, able to be deployed at any moment, to any point on the battlefield and specialized in to engage and destroy the enemy in Close Quarters Battle.

This is a repackaging of individual products into a single product.

Blister contains:

  • 1x Airborne Ranger (Submachine Gun)
  • 1x Airborne Ranger (AP Spitfire)

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasyweltMinyarts und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Community-Link: O-12.de
Quelle: Corvus Belli


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Varangian Guard ist Mal direkt vorbestellt….Äxte brauche ich eigentlich nicht im Infinity Universum, aber die Figur selbst gefällt mir einfach als Bemalprojekt.
    Die beiden Ranger habe ich schon…sonst wären die ebenso bestellt. Die Sculpts sind einfach zeitlos

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