von BK-Thorsten | 28.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Dezember Neuheiten

Die Neuheiten im Dezember für Infinity von Corvus Belli.

CB INF Psi Cops Marksman Rifle 01 CB INF Psi Cops Marksman Rifle 02 CB INF Psi Cops Marksman Rifle 03

PSI-COps (Multi Marksman Rifle) – 12,95 €

To protect the Human Sphere, intelligence is a necessity: namely, what is cooking and who is cooking it. Hence the need for O-12 to have an intelligence service. And hence the existence of the Psi Unit, the intelligence branch of Bureau Aegis, an agency dedicated to collecting data for both prosecutors and judges of Section Statera and for SWORDFOR agents.

A versatile Specialist Operative that, thanks to its MULTI Marksman Rifle and its Visors, either Multispectral or Biometric, will be a key addition to your O-12 army (Ref: 282005-0826) or to your Starmada Sectorial force (Ref: 282007-0836).

CB INF Taigha Creatures 01 CB INF Taigha Creatures 02 CB INF Taigha Creatures 03 CB INF Taigha Creatures 04 CB INF Taigha Creatures 05 CB INF Taigha Creatures 06

Taigha Creatures – 32,95  €

Taighas are cunning and deadly. They perform many functions in the Shasvastii Expeditionary Forces, from security and surveillance to boarding actions, which consist of the Shasvastii releasing them inside enemy ships to destroy everything in their path.

This box includes four Taigha Creatures.  If you want to ensure victory by generating chaos, you only need to unleash a few of these dangerous creatures among the enemy line. Don’t think twice, and reinforce your Shasvastii Army with the fearsome Taigha Creatures.

CB INF Ye Mao Infantry Hacker 01 CB INF Ye Mao Infantry Hacker 02 CB INF Ye Mao Infantry Hacker 03 CB INF Ye Mao Infantry Hacker 04

Ye Mao Infantry (Hacker) – 12,95 €

At first they were only known as Unit 365, but they showed such fierceness and rage that they ended up being called Yě Māo, ‘wildcats.’ So you’d better not get close, and leave them alone, because if you piss them off these snow cats won’t just scratch your soft little asses…

This blister includes a Yě Māo Hacker. His Terrain (Total) and Super-Jump Special Skills give this Hacker great mobility, allowing you to reposition him wherever you need him.

Quelle: Corvus Belli

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In, Fantasywelt, Minyarts und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Community-Link: O-12.de


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Nur 3 diesmal? War das ein Teaser oder wirklich der volle Dezember release?
    Bei den Taiga Viechern bin ich immer noch am Hadern. Ich habe die aus Defiance und bei denen stört mich lediglich die Dopplung- setzt man jemals mehr als 3 bei Infinity ein oder will ich 7 verschiedene Posen für Defiance haben- oder sind das gar die gleichen Posen? Muss ich mal auf dem PC angucken.
    Fröhlichen ersten Advent liebe Infinity begristerten :).

    • Bei Defiance sind es je 2 Dopplungen, also nur 3 unterschiedliche Modelle. So wie ich das sehe sind in der neuen Box andere Modelle drin, den mit der Zunge gab es in Defiance so nicht wenn ich mich nicht irre.

    • Diesmal nur drei, weil die großen Armypacks für Yu Jing und PanO auch releases sind, aber nichts neues drin ist.

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