von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.01.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Immortal Kings: Forces of Night Kickstarter

Immortal Kings haben derzeit einen Kickstarter – Forces of Night – für Fantasy Miniaturen am Start.


Die Kampagne:

Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 1

Currently, the Forces of Night faction is ~80% sculpted and 100% complete in terms of concept art.  This campaign aims to complete the sculpting of the Dread King and Lurking Terror miniatures as shown below:

Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 2

Here is the packaging concept for the three physical boxed sets that will be delivered as rewards for this project:

Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 3

You can see the full faction in the image below:

Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 4 Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 5

Stretch Goals:

1. Base Inserts and Painting Guide (Unlocks at $2700)

If we reach $2700 in funding, we will include base inserts in both Physical Boxed Sets and Digital Downloads.  We will also post a painting guide online.


2. Digital Download for Physical Box Set Backers (Unlocks at $3000)

If we reach $3000, all backers at $45 and $60 reward tiers will receive the Digital Download version of the miniature at no cost.


3. Alternate Weapons (Unlocks at $3600)

If we reach $3600 in funding, we will include alternate weapons in both Physical Boxed Sets and Digital Downloads:

Axe for Dread King

Oversized Cleavers for the Lurking Terrors



As a gift to out backers, we are offering all Forces of Night digital downloads as add-ons for a 25% discount during this campaign.  Below you can see the individual Add-ons:

Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 6 Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 7 Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 8 Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 9 Immortal Kings Forces Of Night Kickstarter 10


  • digitale Minis 15,00 USD
  • Boxed Set Wargame Scale 45,00 USD
  • Boxed Set Painting Scale 60,00 USD


Derzeit liegt die Finanzierung bei ca. 1600 USD (Ziel sind 1800 USD). Die Kampagne endet am 1. Februar 2021 21:10 CET.

Link: Forces of Night Kickstarter




BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Irgendwie finde ich, dass die nicht zum Rest der Range passen. Für sich genommen aber eine hübsche Armee im Stile der Souls-Spiele.

  • Ein bisschen Legion of Everblight, ein bisschen hier und da.
    Sieht irgendwie nicht wie eine Armee aus sondern wie wild zusammengewürfelt.
    Wirkt auf mich persönlich lieblos.

  • Ich finde den style EXTREM geil.
    Würde sehr gerne mehr sowas sehen in unserem Hobby.
    Hab von den wasserkopf heroic scale Zeug die Nase voll

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