von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.01.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Hunters of the Shadow Sea : Kickstarter

Antimatter legt den Kickstarter „Uncharted Realms – Hunters of the Shadow Sea“ nochmal mit neuen Modellen auf.


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Uncharted Realms – Hunters of the Shadow Sea (Re-Launch)

War rages across land and sea, deep in the heart of the Earth’s core. Into the chaos stride legendary heroes to do battle with monstrous creatures from the underground world of the Shadow Sea. This kickstarter focuses on producing 3D STL models for these heroes and the monsters they encounter as well as scenery that can be used for these epic battles. AntiMatter Games is teaming with Dark Sword Miniatures to bring you these amazing models. If you have a 3D printer at home or you can access one, then you will have plenty to print from this campaign!


This will be Dark Sword Miniatures first foray into 3D printing, and our goal is to help them build an STL library of characters, monsters and scenery that can be used in  DeepWars and ShadowSea by AntiMatter Games or in other RPG or tabletop skirmish games.

Pledge Level:

There are multiple main pledge levels to choose from. All of the pledge levels get PDF copies of our rulebooks, including ShadowSea, DeepWars and the Blood Reef supplement, the Grace Flynn – Tides of Forever solo adventure, The Stygian Depths dungeon supplement and our painting guide. We will also include 14 printable PDF maps, dungeon tiles and game cards to use with the miniatures.

Basic – $1: The Basic pledge only includes the PDF files and maps above and is best for those that would like to just get some add-ons:

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Adventurer – $25: This pledge gets Core Miniature Rewards (22 models) and all miniatures unlocked from stretch goals. You can click the picture below for a higher-res image and see down the page for more information about each model:

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ShadowSea Explorer – $25: This pledge gets the scenery from the Core Rewards (two battle maps with 28 scenic parts) and all scenery unlocked from stretch goals. You can click the picture below for a higher-res image and see down the page for more information about each model:

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Master of the Realm – $40: This pledge gets all models from the Core Rewards and all unlocked stretch goals. This is 50 total models (22 miniatures and two scenic battle zones with 28 scenic parts):

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Conqueror – $70: This pledge gets all models from the Core Rewards (50 models) and all unlocked stretch goals as well as 3 Add-On STL Bundles of your choice from previous projects. See the Add-On section below for high-res images of the models:

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Treasure Hoard – $110: This pledge gets all  models from the Core Rewards and all unlocked stretch goals. This pledge level also gets all of the Add-On STL Bundles from previous projects  (excluding the Special Add-Ons from the à la carte menu). This comes out to 140 miniatures and scenery models. See the Add-On section below for high-res images of the models:

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King’s Ransom – $220: This pledge gets all models from the Core Rewards and all unlocked stretch goals. This pledge level also gets all of the Add-On sets from previous projects and all of the Special Add-Ons from the à la carte menu. This comes out to 293 miniatures and scenery models. See the Add-On section below for high-res images of the models.

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Any pledge level can be modified with the addition of Add-Ons, shown at the bottom of the page. There are two types of Add-Ons, Bundles from Previous projects and individual models from the à la carte menu. Simply increase your pledge amount for the Add-On you want. At the end of the project, we will ask which models you have added in the Pledge Survey.


In addition, all backers get a free miniature, the savage Dunkleosteus. This ancient placoderm fish is known as a „Steel-Jaw“ by the pirates and adventurers who search for treasure in the Shadow Sea.

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3D-File Design:

The rewards for this project come as 3D STL files, not physical  models. The STL files are used by a 3D printed to print the actual  model, so backers will need access to a 3D printer, either their own  printer at home or through a printing service. Miniatures are single-part or sliced into parts, where it helps in printing or when there are different part options, such as different weapons. Each miniature also comes with its own scenic sculpted base, either separate or integrated.

For best results, we recommend resin printers as they will  capture all of the fine detail of the models, though filament (FDM)  printers will produce great results also. Scenery STL files are designed  for FDM printing and come sliced and keyed and are set up to fit within  a print area of 220 x 220 mm.

STL rewards will be delivered via download links two weeks after the  project ends to allow time for all of the payments to go through  (Kickstarter has up to a 21 day week waiting period for funds to be  delivered).

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We are providing the new models with a pre-supported STL for those that want them. Pre-supported models are created with Chitubox. Older models from previous projects will not come pre-supported.

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Core Rewards:

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Stretch Goals:

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STL Bundles

These STL files are from previous projects and come in packs of  multiple models. They have a discount of 30-35% off of the price in our  online store.

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Special Add-on STL models (à la carte menu)

These can be added to a pledge individually.

Pre-Printed Miniatures

Backers can choose to get a Pre-Printed miniature from the Core Rewards and unlocked Stretch Goals. All miniatures are printed in resin for maximum detail level. These are Add-Ons that are added to a pledge simply by adding the $ amount for the model you want. For those that just want Pre-printed  models, you can pledge the $1 level and then put in the amount of the models instead of $1.

Pre-printed rewards will be printed and shipped within 3-6 weeks of the end of the project for those 3D files that are already  completed.  Shipping of pre-printed items is handled outside the kickstarter project and calculated based on weight per country.  Typically, shipments in the US will be $5 for anything  under one pound in weight. For the EU or UK, it will be $13 for anything under 8 ounces.

Miniatures will come with protective packaging and a game card with statistics and background information for our games. To see a bigger image, click on the picture below. The Core Rewards are land-based models so they work for ShadowSea.

Printed and Painted Examples:

The miniatures in the project have a tremendous amounts of detail and resin printing will produce the best results. Here is a resin print of the Coatalus Flying Lizard and Scathis – Snakeman Executioner to show what we mean.

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Stand: 4.900+ USD (Ziel 4.000 USD)

Ende: 2. Februar 2021 17:39 CET

Link: Uncharted Realms – Hunters of the Shadow Sea Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Teils wirklich schöne Sachen dabei. Aber die Damen sehen mal wieder aus als hätte die jemand am PC zusammengefrickelt der nie eine weibliche Brust in der Hand hatte.
    Oder wahlweise , nur Schmuddelfilme bisher gesehen hat.
    Trübt den Gesamteindruck (für mich) doch sehr.

    • Du missverstehst das. Die damen haben wegen des ganzen Wassers implantierte Schwimmblasen, weil das weniger lächerlich aussieht, als eingepflanzte Schwimmflügel. 😉

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