von BK-Christian | 03.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Heroes of Infinite: Arcadian Elves

Raging Heroes starten mit ihrem Patreon mal wieder ins Weltall.

HoI Raging Heroes Arcadian Elves 1

NEW November’s Release: Arcadian Elves

Arcadian Elves are supremely deadly fighters and are feared in the entire galaxy.

New 3D Printable Collection from just $10!

HoI Raging Heroes Arcadian Elves 2

Well, it’s finally here!

I know that many of you have been waiting for a Sci-fi release for a long time.

And this particular release was created during a time of changes here at Raging Heroes.

In the past three months, a lot has happened with the way we work and with the composition of our team.
And it was pretty challenging to deliver such a complex release during a time where so many other things required our attention.

This is one of the reasons why we have not communicated much, but we have just been overwhelmed with work, whether it be sculpting or running the company.

Also, I had very little time to decide on a theme and I changed my mind at the last minute, right before I started designing the project.
I was hesitating between 2 or 3 ideas based on your suggestions, but there was no clear tendency standing out.

And in the end, I went with my gut feeling, that the Space Elves had not had any attention for a long time, and that they deserved some love.

Despite these circumstances, I am extremely pleased with what we have accomplished.
Especially since, to top it all off, I would say that design-wise, this has been the most challenging release we’ve made.

It might not be obvious at first glance, but the design of these space elves demanded a much more rigorous approach.

Here, you have nearly no free organic shapes. Everything has to be streamlined and polished like a jet fighter or a supercar.
Many of the elements we designed had to be redone 2 or 3 times in order to get them right.
And the sculptors were both patient and motivated so that we could get it right in the end.
It is also the first time ever that we are making vehicles.
And for many reasons, we succeeded in designing and creating them in what I consider record time!

So let me use this as an opportunity to thank the sculpting crew for what I think is a truly awesome job!

What to expect from this release?

Well, you have everything to make a full army, plus tons of amazing-looking scenery that will make your war-table look like nothing you’ve seen before.
I won’t go into my usual explanations of what to do with each character, for if you are a wargamer, you’ll know exactly what to do with them.
If you’re not a wargamer yet, this is a perfect time to try it out.

This army that we’ve designed for you is so unique and beautiful that everybody will envy you and ask you where you got it!

Super-cool free bonuses

As a final note, let me remind you that if you’re supporting us here on HeroesInfinite.com (rather than on patreon.com/heroesinfinite), you’re getting access to 2 super cool, exclusive bonuses!

The first bonus is a second version of the Sniper character.
The second bonus is a full additional version of the Arcadian Elf AntiGrav Tank.

We wish you happy printing and gaming 🙂

As always, we’ll add to this post a full line-up of the release in the next few days.

Have a great week!

– Benoit and the whole Heroes Infinite Team

Quelle: Heroes of Infinite


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Sehr schöne Weltraum-Elfen. Jetzt noch ein vernünftiges System dazu.

    So ganz werde ich nur nicht schlau, welches Level es braucht, um alle Dateien zu bekommen. 🤨

    • Ich meine den Overlord-Membership für 16$/month.
      Kann man eigentlich auch nur für 1 Monat abschließen, oder muss man dann wieder „kündigen“..?

      • Man muss dann wieder kündigen. Die Dateien kommen immer am 2ten des Monats raus und bis ca. 15ten werden noch kleine Fehler behoben. Gibt dann also immernoch ca. 15 Tage um zu kündigen.

  • Das sind schon ganz besondere Miniaturen. Ich habe an den erstan 4 Patreon Offers von Raging Heroes teilgenommen. Vorsichtig muss man nur beim ausdrucken sein, die originalen Dateien haben glaube ich 28mm Format, aber nicht wie bei GW Heroescale. Sind extrem klein, zum bemalen empfehle ich, diese Miniaturen bis 32mm hochzuskalieren (mindestens).Das Gelände ist extrem schick bei allen Patreons von Raging Heroes. Da ich keinen eigenen 3D Drucker habe, habe ich mich an zwei namhafte Dienstleister (3D Druck, Deutschland) gewendet und musste dann schlucken. Da wurden 4 stellige Eurobeträge aufgerufen.

  • Wow die Elfchen schauen mega aus. Ich habe einige Modelle der Dunkelelfen Heldinnen von Raging Heroes und die sehen Klasse designed aus und waren ein Spaß anzumalen. Sie sind sehr filigran. Empfehle deswegen einen Sekundenkleber Aktivator.

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