von BK-Christian | 15.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Heresylab: Witchfire & Sword Kickstarter

Es gibt einen neuen Kickstarter von Heresylab.

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The City is in danger! Strange reports come from the Silent District, stories of spirits and restless dead that attack the citizens corrupting mind and bodies, some of them have already joined their ranks! The Order of the Flaming Lys is still outside the city facing an unknown enemy, while the Templars of the Flame can’t hold them alone. But help is arriving or better, is riding! The Amber Husaria, that is tasked with the protection on caravans and merchant coming from the far lands of snow and amber has been warned by a shady figure that was running from both the undead and the law from within the city. Will they arrive in time? Discover these new models in:

A new set of character to enhance your existing line of figurines. If you joined the first 3 Kickstarters you know how the models are, and if you missed them now you have a chance to grab them at a discounted price.Bear in mind that Hans the Repent (AX102) is a Ks exclusive, you can find him in the ADD-ON miniatures banner a way to say thank you to the backers!

The Amber Husaria

Riding from the east the Amber Husaria arrives! Escorting a caravan of rich magical Amber merchants, they are ready to help the city and fight back The Ancient Ones incursion coming from the Silent District. The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on stretch goals in order to make a 15 member deal for 59.00€

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The Ancient Ones

Rising from their graves thanks to the mixed efforts of  Hans the Flayer and The Crimson Knight, the spirits of the Ancient Ones spill around the city! The first to come out of its grave is Lord Corbhan The Ironhand, ready to muster and command an horde of shambling zombies that attack the citizens and make them join their ranks! The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on stretch goals in order to make a 15 member deal for 59.00€

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Citizens 4.0

More citizens for the City! Starting from 2 thematic models for each warband, we decided to add more fighters and non fighters to the line! The City is getting more and more alive! The Kickstarter is designed to add 3 extra free models based on stretch goals in order to make a 13 member deal for 59.00€

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Das sind die Add-ons:

Want to add more character to your war band or town? Just missed the first 2 Kickstarters? Here is a chance to get all of the models in bundle saving some „coins“

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7.00€ 1 model (resin)

You get one model of your choice form the ones shown and unlocked, some more complex or bigger models may require a surcharge, (NO STRETCH GOAL INCLUDED) . Model comes in resin and with a plastic base. Shipping is not included and will be charged in the pledge manager.

28.00€ 5 model (resin)

You get five (5) models of your choice form the ones shown and unlocked, some more complex or bigger models may require a surcharge, (NO STRETCH GOAL INCLUDED) . Model comes in resin and with a plastic base. Shipping is not included and will be charged in the pledge manager.

59.00€ 1 Warband from 4.0 (resin)

Early Bird – EB – Gets for FREE the KS exclusive miniature (free extra model)

You get 1 war band of your choice  + any applicable stretch goal unlocked for the warband. All models come in resin and supplied with plastic bases. Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter in the pledge manager. Please refer to our estimated shipping costs.

60.00€ 10 model (resin)

Early Bird – EB – Gets for FREE the KS exclusive miniature (free extra model)

You get ten (10) models of your choice form the ones shown and unlocked, some more complex or bigger models may require a surcharge, (NO STRETCH GOAL INCLUDED)  . Model comes in resin and with a plastic base. Shipping is not included and will be charged in the pledge manager.

110.00€ 2 Warband from 4.0 (resin)

Early Bird – EB – Gets for FREE the KS exclusive miniature (free extra model)

You get 2 warband of your choice  + any applicable stretch goal unlocked for the warband. All models come in resin and supplied with plastic bases. Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter in the pledge manager. Please refer to our estimated shipping costs.

160.00€ All-In Citizens 4.0 Warband Bundle (resin)

Early Bird – EB – Gets for FREE the KS exclusive miniature (free extra model)

You get 2 warband(Ancients & Hussaria) + citizens 4.0 warband (34 models) + any applicable stretch goal unlocked for the warband or citizen line.  All models come in resin and supplied with plastic bases. Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter in the pledge manager. Please refer to our estimated shipping costs.

Early Bird – EB – Gets for FREE the KS exclusive miniature (1 free extra model)

385.00€ I WANT THEM „ALL“ (resin)

You get all 4 warband + citizens 1,2&3 of your choice (92+ models) + any applicable stretch goal unlocked for the warband or citizen line. Includes this KS exclusive model. All models come in resin and supplied with plastic bases. Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter in the pledge manager. Please refer to our estimated shipping costs.

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If you want a single model STL please pledge 1.00€ and you will be able to select it in the pledge manager.

35.00€ 1 Warband STL (Digital)

You get 1 war band STL of your choice we have for the campaign and any additional model unlocked for the warband. Models are digital and provided in STL format. These will be delivered 2 weeks before the KS resin models will ship. Please refer to the KS page for usage limitation on these models.

59.00€ 2 Warband STL (Digital)

You get 2 warband STL of your choice we have for the campaign and any additional model unlocked for the warband. Models are digital and provided in STL format. These will be delivered 2 weeks before the KS resin models will ship. Please refer to the KS page for usage limitation on these models.

85.00€  ALL Citizen 4.0 models STL (Digital)

You get all the pertinent STL files of the campaign and any additional pertinent model unlocked.  Models are digital and provided in STL format. These will be delivered 2 weeks before the KS resin models will ship. Please refer to the KS page for usage limitation on these models.


You get all the pertinent STL files of the campaign (includes Citizens 1,2 & 3 models) + both KS exclusive models and any additional pertinent model unlocked.  (estimated over 100 models based on funding and stretch goals unlocked)  Models are digital and provided in STL format. These will be delivered 2 weeks before the KS resin models will ship. Please refer to the KS page for usage limitation on these models.


The older warband and bundles will be available in the pledge manager as add-on options.

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Heresylab – Witchfire & Sword – resin and digital files


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Wow die sehen toll aus, kommen die auch normal in den Handel oder kauft man nur die STL, und da sieht man wieder was Warhammer aus der alten Welt noch hätte machen können……Danke fürs zeigen

  • Die Husaren gefallen mir überhaupt nicht, aber die Untoten sind schick. Und die Bürger gefallen mir zum Großteil auch.

    Hätte ich Zuhause nicht noch ungefähr 30 Minis zum Bemalen und würde sehr (mit dem wahrscheinlich schrecklich überteuerten) Warhammerb- Quest liebäugeln…

      • 😆

        Das es hier ganz andere Sammlungen gibt, weiß ich. Aber ich will nur soviel Zuhause haben, dass ich zumindest die Chance habe, es in einem Jahr zu bemalen. Bei etwa 30 ist das realistisch. Ich male nicht schnell und komme nicht so oft dazu.

    • Du weißt schon dass man als Hobbist stirbt, wenn man alle Modelle bemalt hat?
      Der Berg der Schande ist unser Lebenselexier! 😉

  • Schade, leider gibt’s für Dateien nur mindestens ne ganze Warband als kleinste Größe, ich finde zwar tatsächlich einzelne Modelle schön genug um sie mir kaufen zu wollen, aber halt bunt gemischt über die ganze range verteilt 🙁

  • Oh, die sind cool.
    Allerdings, vielleicht bin ich auch der Einzige der das so sieht, ähneln einige Modelle doch sehr stark GW Modellen.
    Der Untote mit dem Zweihänder z.B. würde auch einen guten Krell abgeben.
    Ich hoffe, da gibt es keine Probleme.

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