von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Heresy Miniatures: Death Bard

Heresy Miniatures hat die Master Casting Variante des Death Bard im Shop – Rock’n’Roll ist nicht tot – aber untot.

Heresy Miniatures Death Bard Master Casting 1 Heresy Miniatures Death Bard Master Casting 2 Heresy Miniatures Death Bard Master Casting 3 Heresy Miniatures Death Bard Master Casting 4 Heresy Miniatures Death Bard Master Casting 5

Heresy Miniatures – Death Bard – Master Casting – 45,00 GBP

This model will start to ship from June 30th 2021, with the regular orders, each week as I get them cast up

Please don’t delay – this is expected to sell quite quickly!

As part of the upcoming skeleton plastics project, I am making a very limited amount of master castings of the Skeleton 3-Up models available. These are master castings taken directly from the original mould, which will not last long and so only a handful of castings are expected to be produced. In order not to disappoint, only 50 master castings will be made available of this version of the Skeleton Death Bard at this time. Anyone who orders 1 of these Master Casting Skeletons will also be entitled to claim a free sprue of plastic skeletons if they do get made!!

Follow Heresy on Kickstarter to be notified when the proper plastics project launches!

Here’s the link: www.kickstarter.com/profile/heresyminiatures

Please  note – this is a surpisingly complicated model to mould and inevitably you may notice mould lines and/or some wafer thin flash on the casting – this is sometijes unavoidable on larger models due to the nature of the resin moulding process where the slightest slip of a knife can make a mould line run around the wrong side of a bony leg, etc and lead to the wrong pressing edges. However, they are easily removed by scraping back with a sharp modelling knife or glass fibre brush-pen. The model is supplied unpainted and unassembled, you can easily assemble it with superglue, and prime and paint with acrylic model paints, etc, as normal. We use a paintable release spray in case you don’t fancy washing them, but it’s always a good idea to wash them anyway.

IMPORTANT: THERE IS ONLY ONE MOULD for this model. I can make 3 master castings a day from it if all goes well, so there may be a delay in your order whilst I cast it!

Contents: Torso,Wide Stance Legs, Guitar, Left Arm, right arm x 2 (pick hand or horns hand), Skull, 75mm Round Base

Note: This can be supplied with a different stance of legs if you like – I have several sets I can use, so if you want eg a more upright set for a bass player style look, as per the work in progres pictures on instagram a while back, let me know when ordering using the ‚any information, comments‘ box on the shopping cart

Link: Heresy Miniatures

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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