von BK-Herr Kemper | 30.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Hasslefree: Update

Hasslefriesian präsentieren Neuheiten bzw. Updates im Katalog – diesmal mit Bildern der richtigen Minis.

Hasslefree Update1

Hannah is an old friend of Vic’s. A smuggler and pilot she is a woman not to be crossed, she ‚will‘ shoot first.
Metal here – tinyurl.com/mpywn4fv
Resin Master here – tinyurl.com/u9tnasph
Hasslefree Update2
Raven was once a promising young spellcaster, rising through her chosen guild in Evermore at a startling speed. What became of her in later life, we shall have to wait and see!
Seen here practising her magic skyclad.
We don’t do many of our nudes in metal, it’s mostly because it’s almost impossible to hide mould lines with clever sculpting or fabris etc. So you will likely need to scrape* one or two off a nude, be warned 🙂
*yes, scrape. I tend to use a sharp scalpel and drag it along the mould line.
Metal here – tinyurl.com/3pjs64ad
Resin Master here – tinyurl.com/2dhpdcah
Hasslefree Update3
Conenne, a southern warrior extraordinaire. A known mercenary across multiple kingdoms she is as fierce as she is well-travelled.
Metal here – tinyurl.com/yy786jae
Resin Master here – tinyurl.com/59t6ywd6
Hasslefree Update4
Germima is a female Lord of Decay, rival to Ulthrak’s Kran’duin Horde and one of the most feared generals of her God.
Comes with a choice of tentacle hand with scythe and regular hand with sword.
Germima is a chunky monkey, due to her corpulent form she actually costs three times as much to produce as a regular mini of her height (approx 35mm to top of head, as posed, not including horns or weapon) That’s a lot of tin!
Metal available here – tinyurl.com/yey2y9ph
Resin Master available here – tinyurl.com/2x2fr9a2
Hasslefree Update5
T.J. Castle, private investigator. Castle likes to think that no job is too dirty, which is just as well, as most of his jobs are just that!
Resin Master available here – tinyurl.com/rnkjaabu
Could easily be used in a Near Future, Cyberpunk or even Sci-Fi setting too.

Quelle: Hasslefriesian auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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