von BK-Herr Kemper | 13.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Hardware Studios: Gepard Dropship

Hardware Studios veröffentlichen eine neue Version des Gepard Dropships im STL-Format.

Hardware Studios Gepard Mk 1 B Dropship

Hardware Studios – Gepard Mk 1 B Dropship – 35,00 USD

Intended Scale:  6mm
Size at 6mm: 9.6″ x 7.8″ x 2.8″
An updated, STL version of our Gepard Mk. 1, this is an alternative to the durable and deadly Leopard-class aerodyne dropship. Here reproduced in 1/285 (mech) scale and compatible with Battletech or any other 6mm science fiction wargame, This is version 2B, which has been scaled up overall from 8.6″ first version, features taller doors (1.8″ tall, as opposed to the previous version’s 1.45″ doors), includes removable (magnetic) landing gear and separated wingtips and thrusters for better printing. An Atlas would still bump it’s head on the way out the doors, but this is a scrappy merc’s dropship, not some luxurious Fortress!
The 1B features tons of new details for better painting and at-home printing, as well as stylistic updates. Designed to be printed in FDM and supportless, with a largest printed part dimension of 9.6″.
In einem kleine Blog-Feature widmet sich Hardware Studios dem Kampf gegen die gefürchteten „Print-Lines“.
Hardware Studios Gepard Mk 1 B Dropship1 Hardware Studios Gepard Mk 1 B Dropship3 Hardware Studios Gepard Mk 1 B Dropship2
Link: Hardware Studios


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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