von BK-Herr Kemper | 30.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Hardware Studios: Neuheiten

Hardware Studios hat neue Modelle für Weltraumgefechte im Programm – diese werden digital als STL vertrieben und sind sehr geeignet für „A Billion Suns“ – aber auch für Full Thrust und andere Raumkampfspiele.

Hardware Studios  Consortium 3 Hardware Studios  Consortium 2

Hardware Studios – Consortium Suit Squadrons – STL Pack – 7,50 USD

These teeny tiny mecha are perfect to sub in for fighters, recon ships, and bombers in games like a Billion Suns, includes pegs and bases. Mecha comes both independent and pre-supported, and has peg receptors for squadron trees.

Includes STL files for:

-3 poses each of 1/2″ tall recon suits, fighter suits, and bomber/missile suits, perfect to substitute in for fighters in fleet scale space games

-Both presupported and unsupported STLs

-25mm bases with squadrons ‘tree’ toppers designed to put 3 suits per squadron, as well as rods in 3 lengths


Hardware Studios  Consortium 4

Hardware Studios – Consortium Megafreighter – STL Pack – 4,50 USD

This supercontainer ship is perfect for games like A Billion Suns, includes pegs and bases. Ship comes both independent and pre-supported, and has a hole for an 1/8″ flight stands integrated.

Includes STL files for:

-6.9″ long megafreighter, perfect as an objective or custom civilian ship

-Both presupported and unsupported STLs

-25mm, 30mm, 40mm, and 60mm bases with holes for 1/8″ (3mm) rod, as well as rods in 3 lengths (We recommend the short peg and the 60mm base for this monster)


Hardware Studios  Consortium 1

Hardware Studios – Consortium Spaceports – STL Pack – 11,50 USD

This file pack for games like A Billion Suns and Full Thrust provides your scenic bits and objectives, along with pegs and bases. Spice up your garden rocks with some cool scenic space rocks, and some small facilities! Station/ComSat and asteroids have holes for 1/8″ flight stands integrated. Scaled to, compatible with, and ready for combat with the Sanhalran Spacefleet by Skull Forge Studios.

Includes STL files for:

-4 asteroids with settlements (from 3.8″ to 2.5″ in width), with a flat-bottomed version (designed to print unsupported) and a version designed to go on a flight stand (should be supported)

-4 Accessory stands (40mm and 60mm base sizes and two heights) designed for stationary objectives, etc. Designed to print supportlessly in FDM or resin!

-A small Space Station and ComSat (come both pre-supported and independent)

Links: Hardware Studios



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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