von BK-Herr Kemper | 08.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Hardware & SkullForge Studios: Raumflotten

Hardware Studios und SkullForge Studios haben jeweils eine komplette Raumflotte designed – und bewerben auch jeweils den anderen Designer. Die Flotten werden digital als STL vertrieben und sind sehr geeignet für „A Billion Suns“ – aber auch für Full Thrust und andere Raumkampfspiele.

Hardware Studios  Consortium Spacefleet2 Hardware Studios  Consortium Spacefleet3 Hardware Studios  Consortium Spacefleet1

Hardware Studios – Consortium Spacefleet – STL Megapack – 28,50 USD

This full spacefleet file pack is perfect for games like A Billion Suns, and includes every ship class in the game, along with pegs, squadron stands, and bases. All ships come both independent and pre-supported, and have holes for 1/8″ flight stands integrated. Scaled to, compatible with, and ready for combat with the Sanhalran Spacefleet by Skull Forge Studios.

Includes STL files for:

-5.6″ long battleship with incredibly detailed Planet Smasher cannon on the underside

-4.8″ Cruiser, 4.1″ Carrier, 3.8″ Destroyer, 3.1″ Monitor

-Smaller than 2.5″: Frigate, Corvette, Gunship, Medium Utility Ships, Light Utility Ship

-1/2″ Recon Ships, Bombers, and Fighters, with distinct formation stands for easy identification

-Both presupported and unsupported STLs for all ships

-25mm, 30mm, 40mm, and 60mm bases with holes for 1/8″ (3mm) rod, as well as rods in 3 lengths

For personal use only. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING.


SkullForge Studios Sanhalran Fleet

SkullForge Studios – Sanhalran Fleet  – STL Pack – 28,50 USD

full battle ready fleet for your galactic space battles made for http://abillionsuns.space/

If you are looking for a fleet to battle check out the awesome Consortium Space fleet made by our friends at Hardware Studios

Bases and stands are included, provided by Hardware Studios

The .rar and .7z files can be opened with any unzipping program.

This is an STL Product For use with Resin SLA and DLP printers, you may try to print this with an FDM printer but know that this model was not made for FDM printers at the models native scale.

-Upon purchase the End-User agrees to print this file for personal use and not for any commercial printing endeavors

Links: Hardware Studios & SkullForge Studios



BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Supercoole Modelle. Die sind dermaßen gekauft. Perfekt für mein Billion Suns Projekt.

      • Ich habs schon mehrmals gespielt und finde es richtig klasse. Die Möglichkeit seine Flotte nicht nach einer Punkteliste vor Spielbeginn zusammenstellen zu müssen, sondern im Spiel zu entscheiden was man in der jeweiligen Situation braucht, ist schon ziemlich cool.
        Außerdem gefällt mir die Möglichkeit mehrere Spieltische über Warpgates zu verbinden, und darauf hin- und herzuspringen außerordentlich gut.
        Und seine eigene Flotte aus -was auch immer- zusammenzuschustern macht auch Spaß 🙂

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