von BK-Nils | 26.07.2021 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Sororitas und Delaque

Es geht kommende Woche wieder in die ferne Zukunft von Warhammer 40.000 und in die Tiefen von Necromunda, mit Nachschub für das Adepta Sororitas und dem Haus der Schatten.

Sunday Preview – Reinforcements Are Inbound for the Adepta Sororitas and House Delaque

It’s that time of the week again when we get to reveal all the shiny new miniatures, books, terrain kits, and more that are available to pre-order from next weekend.

Our deep-dive into next week’s pre-orders begins in the grim darkness of the far future.

Adepta Sororitas

Not only are the Sisters of Battle getting their very own Combat Patrol set next Saturday, but some handy reinforcements in the form of the Castigator battle tank and new Characters are on the way to accompany it.

As with the similar sets we’ve seen for other factions, Combat Patrol: Adepta Sororitas is an excellent option for both new and existing collections alike. With 26 miniatures, including a Canoness, Rhino, Penitent Engine, three Arco-flagellants, four Sisters Repentia, a Repentia Superior, five Seraphim, and 10 Battle Sisters, you’ll have plenty of units to start or boost your force.

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The Castigator is the mainstay of the Adepta Sororitas Vehicle pool. It comes kitted out with a frankly ludicrous number of heavy weapons – the largest of which is a choice of the Castigator’s bespoke, turret-mounted battle cannon or autocannons. You’ll have no problems praying your enemies away with the application of such extreme firepower.

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If you’re looking to inspire your Adepta Sororitas on the battlefield, Aestred Thurga and Agathae Dolan are the two you’re looking for. Aestred has the honour of bearing the Auto-Tapestry of the Emperor’s Judgement, a sacred banner of unrivalled significance among the Orders Militant. The Hagiolater Agathae Dolan follows in Thurga’s footsteps, tenaciously recording every inspirational deed of faith she witnesses.

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All of these fantastic Adepta Sororitas kits are available to pre-order from Saturday the 31st of July.

Battlezone: Mechanicus 

Take your battles to the industrial wastelands of Metalica and the many other forge worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus with this range of terrain, gaming boards, and datasheet cards.

First up is the Battlezone: Mechanicus – Charadon. This box provides you with two double-sided, fold-out gaming boards and 13 pieces of accompanying terrain, so it’s perfect for playing Combat Patrol and Incursion missions. If even bigger battles are your thing, grab a second set to double the size of your battlefield and host Strike Force games.

Together, the terrain and gaming boards depict the irradiated districts typical of forge worlds – use them to transform your tabletop into a thematic theatre of war ready for your epic clashes.

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On the topic of Battlezone Mechanicus terrain, three kits are returning to the range, but they’re only available via Games-Workshop.com – check out the Galvanic Magnavent, Ferratonic Furnace, and Transterranic Gantries.

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Get ready to fight immersive battles among the ancient machinery of the Charadon sector with these imposing terrain pieces.

The Battlezone: Mechanicum – Terrain Datasheet Cards provide you with 22 datacards that contain all the rules for Tactical Terrain, Battlezones, and more. They’re designed to bring your Battlezone Mechanicus terrain to life, and they include handy diagrams that illustrate how your units interact with each scenery piece.

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Also available exclusively from Games-Workshop.com is the terrain-free version of the Charadon gaming boards, the Battlezone: Mechanicus – Battlefield.

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Transform your battlefields into the industrialised forge world landscape of your choice when kits go up for pre-order next weekend.

Let’s head over to Necromunda to see what’s emerging from the shadows.

House Delaque

If you serve House Delaque and have been patiently waiting for Necromunda: House of Shadow to arrive, your time has almost come. Available in 128-page hardback and ebook formats, the House of Shadow reveals the mysterious history behind the most secretive of the Great Houses.

Also included in the book are rules for the full roster of Delaque Gangers, Hangers-on, Brutes, and Hired Guns, as well as the esoteric weapons, wargear, and gang tactics they favour. It’s your one-stop shop for all things Delaque.

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Of course, your gang wouldn’t be complete without a set of House of Shadow dice to roll and a Delaque Gang Tactics Card Pack for easy reference while you play. Thankfully, a set of each is also up for pre-order next Saturday

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To ensure your Delaque gang is kitted out with all their specialist fighters, grab yourself a Nacht-Ghul Psy-Gheists, and Piscean Spektor set – it contains a total of seven combatants, including Prospects, Brutes, Exotic Beasts, and a Champion. These reinforcements are ready to enter the fray equipped with a variety of unfathomable wargear from the armoury of the House of Shadows.

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House Orlock

It’s not all about House Delaque next week. The weaponsmiths from the House of Iron have been hard at work – the result is this handy Weapons & Upgrades set, which includes a variety of melee and special weapons to complement your Orlock fighters.

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The House of Shadows book and all these other Necromundan goodies are available to pre-order next Saturday.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Kommen also endlich die letzten Neuheiten für die Sororitas, die ja schon vor einer ganzen Weile angekündigt wurden. Den Castigator werde ich einmal nehmen, genauso wie das besondere Standartenträgerinnen-Modell.

    Die Combat Patrol Box enthält ja die gleichen Modelle wie die Soro Launch Box von Ende 2019 – plus ein Soro-Rhino. Dies sind damit Monoposen-Modelle – aber wer die noch nicht hat, mag gerne zugreifen. Wer aber wirklich in die Sororitas einsteigen will, ist meiner Meinung nach mittlerweile mit den vollwertigen Einzel-Boxen besser bedient – allein schon wegen der ganzen Waffenoptionen, die die Combat Patrol Box leider nicht bieten wird.

  • Ich finde ja das meiste, was GW rausbringt, an meinem Geschmack vorbeiproduziert, aber die Bannerträgerin nebst Begleitung finde ich super!

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