von BK-Nils | 06.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau mit Custodes, Symbiosen und Nurgle

Kommenden Samstag kommt mit der Shadow Throne eine Box, in der das Adeptus Custodes sich einem Symbionten Kult im Herzen des Imperiums stellt, außerdem gibt es Verstärkungen für die Anhänger des Nurgle in den Reichen der Sterblichen und vormals exklusive Modelle für Stormcast Eternals und Orruks.

Shadow Throne and Maggotkin Loom Large in this Week’s Sunday Preview

As we approach the zenith of the festive season – also known as Christmas to many – the Warhammer releases keep on coming. Check them all out, right here.

There’s plenty to get excited about, as Shadow Throne pits the subversive (and screaming) forces of the Genestealer Cults against the sturdy Adeptus Custodes, with their many names and advanced Martial Ka’tahs.

Following at a more slovenly pace are the fecund forces of Grandfather Nurgle, stinking up the joint with a battletome, the Rotbringer Sorcerer, and a foul legion in a Vanguard boxed set.

But first, let’s enter the catacombs beneath the Imperial Palace to see what’s got everyone on Terra so worked up.

Warhammer 40.000

Shadow Throne

Sneaky Genestealers and stalwart Adeptus Custodes clash in the cavernous chambers within the Palace in Shadow Throne.

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Containing two forces ready to fight to the death, this battlebox is also the first place to acquire the Reductus Saboteur and the Blade Champion, new characters for each faction.

As with other recent big releases, our pre-order weekend promise will be active for Shadow Throne – so if you order it by the end of Sunday you’re guaranteed to get a copy, even if we have to clear the cultists out of the manufactorum by force to make you a new copy.
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Now to the Mortal Realms, where cankerous sores are swollen to bursting…

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle

The cycle of decay continues, and this year its inexorable advance brings a new battletome covering the festering legions of Grandfather Nurgle.

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This pustulent tome contains everything you need to play the harbingers of rot, including battle traits, command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, and Path to Glory rules. There are also grand strategies, battle tactics, and 27 warscrolls covering all of the revolting denizens of Nurgle’s Garden, both daemonic and mortal.

It is also available in a limited edition with red ribbon marker, gold-edged pages, and a soft touch cover, for those who feel a particular affinity for the Father of Plagues.

Rotbringer Sorcerer

Nurgle has also blessed his favoured sorcerers with a glow-up (of sorts), and a new Rotbringer Sorcerer is joining the fray.

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This warped individual is the perfect vector for a host of new spell lores, which will fill your opponents with phlegm, ague, and cholic.

Vanguard: Maggotkin of Nurgle

If these maladies and ailments sound appealing, this all-new Vanguard boxed set is an ideal beginning for your own septic spearhead.

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It’s just as good as a corpulent core for a budding Maggotkin army, or as another pus-filled lesion for your existing legion.

Maggotkin of Nurgle Dice and Warscroll Cards

Complete your collection with a set of Nurgle dice, emblazoned with the Grandfather’s sigil, ensuring you roll high when it matters. Sadly no sevens are available, but Nurgle knows we tried. Warscroll cards ensure you can keep all your trajectories of sickness and rot in order, especially with the new rules you’ll be bringing to the table from the wealth of warscroll updates in the battletome.

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Nurgle doesn’t get to have all the fun, though, as the Kruleboyz and Stormcast Eternals still are making their way to battlefields for those who missed them the first time round.

Thunderstrike Command

Winging her way to the battlefield for the first time outside of the Dominion boxed set is Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, Sigmar’s personal huntress with a predilection for collecting enemy heads.

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Three stocky Annihilators join her with hammers and shields, and a Knight-Vexillor comes sporting a glorious Banner of Apotheosis, which gives your warriors a chance to resurrect before they’re zapped back to Azyr.

Kruleboyz Boss-Krew

Tired of furtive lurking in the various fens and bogs of the Mortal Realms, the Killaboss is striking out on the prowl. And thanks to his Great Gnashtoof mount, he won’t struggle to find easy prey.

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Alongside him stands a Murknob with Belcha-banna, a blessed totem that deflects enemy sorceries, and three Man-skewer Bolt Boyz, crude but effective orruk snipers who pincushion their enemies with envenomed bolts.

White Dwarf

December’s issue of White Dwarf is on its way, with 144 pages packed full of hobby content. Turn that white snow red with an update to Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords, bringing new matched play, open play, and Path to Glory rules for everyone’s favourite bloodsuckers.

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There’s also a three-game Path to Glory battle report, rules for a Tyranids Army of Renown – the Crusher Stampedes – and a bunch of modelling articles for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, celebrating its 20th anniversary.

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You’ll also get a White Dwarf Hobby Bingo card for 2022, so you can track your hobby progress in a fun way, alongside the New Year, New Army challenge. There’s also a map for the Invidian War Campaign, which pairs with this month’s Flashpoint – the Jade Kingdoms Ghyran.

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Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Shadow Throne Box gefällt mir von der Zusammenstellung her nicht. Bei den Custodes sind 5 Silent Sisters dabei, die zwar jetzt wohl in die Armee integriert werden, aber für mich erst einmal keine Custodes sind. Außerdem hätten beim Schauplatz Terra meiner Meinung nach Custodes Warden weitaus mehr Sinn gemacht als die Allarus. Hier will GW wohl die Ladenhüter loswerden. Der GSC-Anteil ist besser, enthält aber mit dem Brut-Coven Modelle, die eigentlich jeder GSC Spieler schon haben sollte – und für einen Einstieg beim GSC ist die Kiste auch nichts. Die neuen Modelle sind allerdings schon hübsch – vor allem die Demolition Expertin des Kultes.


    Bei AoS kommen dann die besonderen Modelle aus der Dominion-Box Stand Alone heraus – sind ja jeweils eigene Gussrahmen. Ich bin mal gespannt, ob die wie bei den speziellen Gussrahmen aus der 40k Indomitus Kiste auch jeweils 85 bzw. 110 Euro kosten werden…

    • Bzgl. Dominion-Box wäre es der totale Lacher, nachdem die komplett zwischendurch für 65 € zu bekommen war und meistens zwischen 80-90 € kostet. Mich überrascht die Einzelauskopplung hier sehr.

  • Die fehlenden Bsttleforces kommen wohl auch nächste Woche. Da hätte ich irgendwie auf einen Späteren Zeitpunkt gehofft.

    Die Shadow Throne Box wird gekauft, aber der Custodes Anteil wird wahrscheinlich weitergegeben.
    Bei der mache ich mir auch wenig Sorgen um die Verfügbarkeit.

    Das neue AoS Boxformat wird wohl 100€ kosten.

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