von bkredaktion | 06.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Preview mit Vampiren, Titanen und mehr

Games Workshop geben zum Wochenbeginn eine Vorschau auf die Neuheiten des kommenden Samstag, außerdem gibt es mehr zu den kommenden Beast Snagga der Orks in der fernen Zukunft und es gibt ein Hexenjäger Duo für Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Sunday Preview – Warbands, Warmasters, and Blood Bowl

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We’ve got an especially packed week of pre-orders coming up, with new releases for Warhammer Underworlds, Adeptus Titanicus, and Blood Bowl on the way.

That’s quite a bit to chew through, so let’s take a closer look at exactly what you’ll be able to pre-order this coming Saturday.

Warhammer Underworlds

Join Prince Duvalle and his Crimson Court of Soulblight vampires as they descend into Direchasm, eager to feast upon the veritable buffet of warbands scurrying about beneath the living mountain.

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These merciless hunters will need to control the ravenous hunger within if they’re to see their objectives bear fruit, thanks to their bespoke Bloodlust mechanic. Find out more about this intricately designed warband and some of their unique cards later this week on Warhammer Community.

Have you ever seen the fantastic range of miniatures available for Warhammer Underworlds and thought, “Wow, my friends would love this”? There’s never been a better time to bring them into the fold, thanks to the new Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set arriving for pre-order on Saturday.

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Learn the fundamentals of the game with two complete warbands – Drepur’s Wraithcreepers and the Storm of Celestus – two pre-constructed starter decks and all the dice, tokens, boards, and other gubbins you need to get started with Warhammer Underworlds. We’ll be looking at this set in more detail later in the week, but rest assured it’s the perfect starting point for new players looking to begin their adventures in the living mountain.

Viceroy Drepur and their fellow Gravewraith Stalkers are a hard-hitting and aggressive warband able to pass through foes and solid objects alike with their spectral bodies, while Drakan Celestus’ band of Castigators control the board with their Thunderhead Greatbows and loyal Gryph-hound, Sleek.

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Once you’ve played a few games and got to grips with Warhammer Underworlds, introduce the endlessly fascinating deck-building element to your games with the Essential Cards Pack, a selection of 60 universal cards to customise your decks with.

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These cards show off many different styles of play and are compatible with every Warhammer Underworlds product released so far, showcasing some of the best and brightest of the cards released up until now. If you began your journey into the Underworlds after Shadespire, there’s sure to be something for you in the pack.

If you find yourself drawn to the spookier warbands like the Grymwatch and Lady Harrow’s Mournflight, give them some company on the tabletop with a pack of Grand Alliance Death dice. Cast in fetching purple, grey, and blue designs that evoke the swirling mists of Shyish, these dice are an ideal accessory for any of Nagash’s most trusted servants.

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For the digitally inclined warband leaders among us, the two warbands from the new Starter Set are also joining Warhammer Underworlds: Online from the 10th of April. If you haven’t given this digital adaptation of the board game a go, we highly recommend it – it’s even one of the games included in White Dwarf issue 462, so loyal readers of the physical magazines might already own it.

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Adeptus Titanicus

Shake the earth beneath the thunderous footfalls of the Emperor’s own God-machines in Loyalist Legios, the ultimate companion for any Princeps looking to form a loyalist battlegroup in Adeptus Titanicus.

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This 176-page hardback book contains background information for loyalist Titan Legions and Knight Houses, revised rules for forming your battlegroups, and a huge number of sub-factions to draw your war machines from, including the mysterious Ordo Sinister Psi-Titans.

Available on its own for the first time, the Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook is a 96-page hardback tome of essential lore and rules for battlegroup commanders, especially ideal for anybody who picked up a few miniatures to paint and now wants to deploy them on the tabletop.

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Making its colossal debut on the tabletop, the Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan is an awe-inspiring sight to behold, by far the largest Imperial war machine to grace the table in Adeptus Titanicus. Keep your eyes on Warhammer Community to learn more about this legendary machine later this week, but in the meantime just soak in the majesty of this intricately detailed miniature.

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Add a full-strength maniple to your Adeptus Titanicus collection with the Precept Maniple Battleforce, a sizeable collection of Battle and Scout Titans that forms an excellent starting point for any would-be Princeps, as well as a valuable expansion for experienced commanders.

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If you’re planning to paint that much Titan, save time on hand-painting all of their tiny insignias with a transfer sheet from the Legios Ignatum, Astorum, Metalica, or Solaria. Each sheet contains hundreds of full-colour transfers for your Legio of choice as well as one of their most closely tied Knight Houses, enhancing your paint jobs tremendously.

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Blood Bowl

Kicking things off for Blood Bowl this week is our first-ever supplement for the Second Season, aptly named Death Zone. Whether you’re playing a fast and furious game of Blood Bowl Sevens or hiring unscrupulous mercenary players to crack a few skulls, Blood Bowl: Death Zone is the ultimate companion for bringing harsher, more exciting conditions to your games.

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Alongside Death Zone be sure to pick up the latest issue of Spike! Journal, focusing on both the Imperial Nobility and Black Orcs teams. This magazine is packed with the history, rules, and rosters for both teams, as well as all the essential commentary you’ve come to expect from Spike! Journal.

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In an exciting first for us, the Blood Bowl core rules will also be available in Japanese for the first time ever, so enterprising coaches in Japan can have digital editions of the core Rulebook available at their fingertips.

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Available separately for the first time, the Black Orc and Imperial Nobility teams from the Second Season Edition starter box are arriving for pre-order on Saturday, each complete with 12 players, 2 coins, 4 balls, and all the transfers you need to really show off your models. These teams are a perfect way for established Blood Bowl coaches to expand their franchise and try tricky new strategies on the pitch.

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In addition to the teams themselves, Team Card Packs and Dice Sets will also be available for both. Each 44-card pack contains player references, Star Player cards, Special Plays, and everything else you need to run your team efficiently, while the Dice Sets show off the heraldry of their teams in glorious fashion.

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Blood Bowl teams aren’t the same without the glitz and glamour of a Star Player on their roster, and two of the game’s finest are on their way. Griff Oberwald and Varag Ghoul-Chewer are some of the greatest players ever to grace the sport, and are a perfect way to add some real star power to your games.

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Speaking as we were of Blood Bowl Sevens, the smaller teams realised they need a smaller pitch to play on to keep the action quick and exciting (and to ensure the Halfling teams don’t get lost). That’s why the Sevens Pitch is smaller than usual, but still plenty big enough to have a bit of rough-and-tumble on.

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Such a composed and genteel game as Blood Bowl should surely have no need for referees, right? Alas, we’ve heard that occasionally things can get a bit violent down on the pitch, so it’s a good job these two refs are on hand to make fair and balanced calls. Sorry, what are they called? The Elf and Dwarf Biased Referees? Hmm…

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Who Are Those ‘Beast Snagga’ Gits, Anyway?

Games Workshop Who Are Those ‘Beast Snagga’ Gits, Anyway? 1

Listen up, boyz. We’z ‘ad sum right strange types appearin’ in da last few days, and I wanna know what they’z doing in my Waaagh! Last time you lot poked around one of them weird ladz, Bogrot’s ‘ead exploded, so this time we’z got sum captive ‘oomies to find out wot they’z up to in a new regular series on the Waaaghammer Comoonity site: ‘Ere we go!

As you’ll have no doubt seen in the recent Warhammer Preview Online, followers of a new greenskin ‘subkultur’ have arrived to bring their own brand of krumpin’ to the galaxy. Called the Beast Snaggas, these master squig-breeders ride to war on their ferocious red steeds,* kicking, biting, and stabbing anything within their reach.

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Just because they eschew the trukks and bikes of their Speed Freek cousins’ armies, doesn’t mean the Beast Snaggas are averse to using some of the local Mekboyz’s creations. Think of them as pro-squig, rather than anti-thinkin’. After all, it’s rare to find an Ork who wouldn’t appreciate how you can make a humble spear louder and killier by adding rocket boosters to it.

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Their appreciation for ‘da old ways’, and their disregard for more complex Orky technology, leads many of the Snakebite clan to become Beast Snaggas, although their ilk can be found across the entire spectrum of Ork society.** Even a no-nonsense Goff can look at a squighog’s shockingly large teeth and figure out how best to apply them to some poor git’s face.

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The Beast Snagga boyz themselves are hulking mountains of muscle even by regular Ork standards – spending a lifetime chasing down and grappling with ravenous beasts breeds particularly hardy individuals. Even their Gretchin underlings are a smidge braver than usual,*** as those affectionately dubbed ‘saddlegitz’ hold on for dear life and take whatever swings they can.

Stay tuned to learn more about the savage Beast Snaggas and the ingenious ways they use giant, red mouth-monsters. In the meantime, prepare for the Waaagh! by grabbing some of their Speed Freek rivals in a Boomdakka Snazzwagon or Shokkjump Dragsta. You can even bridge the gap between the two subkulturs with a Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy – although knowing the Orks, they’re just as likely to fight both sides.

Don’t forget, there’s a wealth of Orky stories for you to brush up on too. Just ask Makari – he’ll tell you exactly what you should be reading right now.

* Being born red means they make naturally fast mounts, you see.

** If such a thing really exists.

*** Which isn’t saying much.

This Dad and Daughter Duo Just Love Hunting Witches Together

Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans rejoice! Every week this month, we’re showcasing a new miniature set to star in an upcoming Broken Realms book. What’s more, we’re kicking things off this week with a double-whammy – a father-and-daughter combo hailing from the witch-hunting Order of Azyr.

First up, meet Galen ven Denst, an uncompromising new Hero who’s joining the ranks of the Cities of Sigmar in the near future.

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This veteran witch hunter has seen hundreds of witches, heretics, and living dead burned at the stake during his illustrious career. Armed with a holy pistol and his trusty rune-etched broadsword, Galen ven Denst can slay the vilest creatures and even banish endless spells with a determined strike from his blessed weapons. He may be long in the tooth but, make no mistake, nothing gets between this grim huntsman and his quarry.

In recent years, Galen ven Denst rarely works alone – he’s often accompanied by his fellow witch hunter, who also happens to be his daughter, Doralia ven Denst.

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Unlike her father, who prefers to look his prey in the eye as he slays them, Doralia hunts primarily with her enormous crossbow. Its consecrated bolts hit with murderous power, and Doralia is rightly feared for her unerring accuracy with her weapon of choice.

However, more than one of her would-be killers made the error of thinking she can’t also handle a blade and found themselves disembowelled or bereft of a head.

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So far, Morathi and Teclis have each had their own book in the Broken Realms series, with Be’lakor and Kragnos on the way too. Every instalment in the saga introduces a momentous new chapter in the history of the Mortal Realms, so you don’t want to miss any of them.

Quite when and where the ven Densts will make an appearance remains a mystery for now, but know that they’re coming soon. For now, grab yourself Battletome: Cities of Sigmar and a few units like some hardy Freeguild Greatswords to accompany the ven Densts, and keep an eye out next week for another Broken Realms model reveal.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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    • Verfügbar am 24.04. von 11:30 bis 11:32.

      Ab dem 24.04. dann mit leichtem Aufpreis bei eBay…

    • Ich auch, aber einerseite scheinen die gemäss andere GW Figuren zu schlank zu sein, und besonders zu diese schlankheit ist die Armbrust ziemlich überdimensioniert.

      • Naja, so einen Eichenstiel in einen Vamp zu treiben, braucht’s halt mal einen richtigen Bums! Und da Armbrüste rückschlagsfrei sind, ist doch sowas kein Problem… 😉

      • Die überdimensionierten Bolter haben mir auch die aktuellen Sororitas versaut. Verstehe nicht warum dieses Designelement immer sein muss. Bei der Sigmarine-Bande hier ist das ja auch so, finde das einfach super hässlich (auch wenn die explizit schwere Waffen oder so bei AoS sind, was aber wieder andere Fragen aufwirft…).

  • Vater und Tochter Hexenjäger finde ich auch ziemlich gelungen als Minis. Die werden vorbestellt.

    Bei den Ork Squigreitern für 40k gefällt mir der durch die Bemalung erzeugte „Horizon Zero Dawn“ Vibe – vor allem mit den geplünderten, weiß lackierten und mit Stammessymbolen bemalten Panzerplatten.

  • Die Hexenjäger und die Vampire wären ein schönes stimmiges Paket, werden wohl ihren Weg zu mir finden. Bei den Hexenjägern habe ich auf dem ersten Blick tatsächlich gemeint, dass es ein anderer Hersteller ist. In letzter Zeit ist GW etwas schlanker geworden, mit langen dünnen Beinen.

    • hexenjäger und vampire sind voll meine schine muss ich gestehen. da ist mr ehrlichgesagt die realistische proportionierung der waffen ziemlich unwichtig.
      ich würde mir da ja eine stimmige präsentation für warcry wünschen. vampire vs. hexenjäger wären sicher truppen die ich mir zusammenstellen würde. leider scheint es im buch für death keine vampire zu geben und mit den neuen hexenjägern wird es ähnlich aussehen. mal sehen, vielleicht im tome of champions 2021. ich habe ja geduld…

  • Hmmm, die Hexenjäger sehen irgendwie aus wie Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York und Jennifer Lawrence…. Das werden die ersten Minis von GW seit Langem für mich.

  • Ich seh momentan alles was Fantasy ist nur noch durch die „Boa geil kann ich für Frostgrave nutzen“- Brille.
    Die van Hellsing Familie wird’s mit Sicherheit in meinen Fundus schaffen.

  • Die neuen Hexenjäger gefallen mir auch ausgesprochen gut, vermutlich wird mich aber der Preis vom Kauf abhalten 🤗

  • Ach wie geil! Das Blood Bowl Feld ist ja für Blood Bowl 7, völlig übersehen. So kann man doch mal ein paar Leute zu einer kleinen Liga animieren. Das werde ich mir auf jedenfall zulegen.

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