von BK-Nils | 14.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Neue Miniaturen für Tau und The Horus Heresy

Im kommenden Frühjahr bekommt das Sternenreich der Tau einen neuen Codex und passend dazu mit Darkstrider ein neues Charaktermodell, während zwei Figuren aus der Siege of Terra Buchreihe ihr Debüt auf den Schlachtfeldern feiern.

The Greatest Covert Operator in the T’au Empire Is Stepping in From the Shadows

Did you wonder who the mysterious silhouetted figure was in our Kill Team article on the T’au Empire? It was none other than Sub-commander El’Myamoto, better known as Darkstrider. Check out the new miniature in all his (unshrouded) glory.
Games Workshop The Greatest Covert Operator In The T’au Empire Is Stepping In From The Shadows 1 Games Workshop The Greatest Covert Operator In The T’au Empire Is Stepping In From The Shadows 2
The new miniature sees Darkstrider carefully releasing one of his drone familiars, with his trusty pulse carbine, Shade, tucked under his right arm.
Games Workshop The Greatest Covert Operator In The T’au Empire Is Stepping In From The Shadows 3

Darkstrider’s optical scanner incorporates a highly advanced structural analyser, enabling him to direct the fire of his kin at the weak points of their targets with ruthless precision.

Games Workshop The Greatest Covert Operator In The T’au Empire Is Stepping In From The Shadows 4

But who exactly is this dashing hero of the T’au Empire? He’s something of a rebel among his kind, never afraid to question (even outright ignore) orders should he decide an improvised alternative is better in an unfolding situation. Darkstrider’s methods are effective, but his insubordination has cost him promotion more than once. He does have allies – Commander Shadowsun herself respects the battlefield instincts of the maverick sub-commander, and trusts his judgement without question – a ringing endorsement!

Darkstrider can usually be found fighting alongside elite cadres of Pathfinders, performing covert vanguard missions of sabotage and subterfuge.

Games Workshop The Greatest Covert Operator In The T’au Empire Is Stepping In From The Shadows 5

The stunning new Darkstrider miniature will be up for pre-order early next year, alongside the shiny new edition of Codex: T’au Empire.

Revealed – New Models Straight From the Pages of the Siege of Terra

The Warhammer Preview Online: Black Library has been an absolute onslaught of new book reveals and teases.

You may have caught wind of a pair of models leaping from the page to the tabletop. Meet Fafnir Rann of the Imperial Fists and Dominion Zephon of the Blood Angels Legion.

Such is the scale of the Siege of Terra that even mighty heroes of the Imperium are small cogs in the grinding slaughter of the Horus Heresy. The heroes who fought to defend the Imperial Palace from dozens of plots and brutal attacks were many, and their deeds were just as noble as those of their Primarchs.

Fafnir Rann

Games Workshop Revealed – New Models Straight From The Pages Of The Siege Of Terra 1

A celebrated officer of the Imperial Fists, Captain Rann was charged with the defence of the strategically vital Lions Gate Spaceport. He later joined the Templar Brethren, fighting alongside Sigismund and earning ever greater glory.

Games Workshop Revealed – New Models Straight From The Pages Of The Siege Of Terra 2

He’s a veritable mountain of stubborn strength, even for a superhuman Space Marine, wielding his signature twin power axes.

Dominion Zephon

Games Workshop Revealed – New Models Straight From The Pages Of The Siege Of Terra 3

Zephon, while not high-ranking, always seemed to find his way to the centre of the action. His body was shattered in battle just before the events of the Siege of Terra, and his extensive augmetic surgeries brought him into contact with a Tech-Priest by the name of Arkhan Land (yes, the very same man for whom the Land Raider and Land Speeder were named).

Games Workshop Revealed – New Models Straight From The Pages Of The Siege Of Terra 4

He fought alongside the Adeptus Custodes, was recruited by Malcador the Sigillite, and fought on the front lines of the siege, fearlessly protecting and inspiring the soldiers at every turn. This incredible model shows his unusual bionic limbs, as well as the grace and fury of the Blood Angels.

Intrigued? We can’t blame you. Though their stories are bigger than one book, the Siege of Terra novel Saturnine – coming soon in paperback – will give you a healthy dose of Rann and Zephon, and the series isn’t even over yet…

You’ll be able to secure both of these models very soon during the Black Library Celebration in February, so stay tuned for more news.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Fafnir Rann ist absolut großartig gelungen!
    Dominion Zephon weist hingegen ganz schön viele Lore-Fehler, wie die Bionik,die Art der Bionik und den falschen Rüstungstyp (und im expliziten Falle sogar die falsche Haarfarbe) auf.
    Der Tau ist nett designed, aber halt auch nur ein Xeno.

    • Am besten versucht man die Fehler bei Zephon zu ignorieren, oder hofft, dass sie irgendwie kanonisiert werden. Nicht dass man sich noch zu sehr echauffiert…

      Mir fiel auf, dass seine Arme extrem lang zu sein scheinen. Das würde mich mehr stören. Denn abgesehen vom Taktikfelsen gefällt mir die Mini richtig gut. Das Sprungmodul sieht super aus und die Details auf der Rüstung sind wirklich toll. Finde sogar den viel kritisierten unbehelmten Kopf gut, auch wenn die Bemalung ihn wie einen vampirischen Fraggle aussehen lässt.

      • Das stimmt in allen Punkten 🙂 vielleicht wird der Kanon dann in jenem Buch, in welchem die Profile stehen dann angepasst, es wäre ja nicht das erste Mal.

    • Der ist schon schön, leider nicht mehr Kill Team legal aber wäre auch so ein schönes Stück für einen der Spezialisten Slots.

      Der Wargames Exclusive Darkstrider ist allerdings auch sehr schick.

  • Darkstrider sieht echt richtig gut aus aber warum nur stellen die den auf ne große Base? Wär die Pose minimal anders hätt der schön auf eine 25mm Base gepasst.

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