von BK-Nils | 23.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Necromunda

GW: Necromunda und Blood Bowl Preview

Mit Klovis the Redeemer kehrt eine weitere Bekannte Persönlichkeit in die Tiefen von Necromunda zurück und mit Spleenripper wird  blutrünstiger Starspieler für Blood Bowl angekündigt.

Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not in Klovis the Redeemer’s Little Black Book of Torture

Alright, sit down and shut up – that means you at the back. It’s time for your monthly briefing on the criminal threats that we have to deal with on Necromunda.

First up, the good news – we’ve not had any eyewitness reports of Lady Credo in the underhive yet. It’s only a matter of time, though, so keep your eyes peeled. Now, the bad news – our informants are telling us that House Cawdor is calling in some reinforcements.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 1

Unless you’re fresh out of the academy, you’ll have seen Redemptionists being more active, and you’ll have heard the rumours about Klovis the Redeemer that are going around. You’ve probably seen the Enforcer sketch artist’s work on him too.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 2

Well, now we have pict captures from our cameras in the underhive. Turns out, he isn’t just an urban legend. Just once, I wish they would be an urban legend – less of a need to call in the Subjugators and less paperwork.

Anyway, make sure you get a good look at him.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 3

If you think the giant eviscerator he’s carrying is his most dangerous weapon, you need to think again. That book he’s holding is the Liber Excruciatus, and it contains every method of torture the Redeemer has ever carried out.

In the heat of battle, he’s been known to open it and read out some of the horrific things he’s done to scare off his foes.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 4

We’re still waiting for some more earplugs to come in, so my advice is to keep your distance. Plus, that’ll keep you out of reach of his flaming hat.

If you’re wondering who writes down all of those disgusting acts, look no further than Klovis the Redeemer’s sidekick – Deacon Malakev. He’s always found scurrying around after his master, and we’ve got some pict grabs of him too.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 5

As well as being his dedicated follower, Malakev is also the Redeemer’s personal bodyguard. He’s happy to give his life to save his master.

Games Workshop Underhive Informant – Pray You’re Not In Klovis The Redeemer’s Little Black Book Of Torture 6

So much for just popping Klovis in the head with a sniper rifle. Fortunately, he’s a House Agent, so will only join Cawdor gangs that successfully petition him for aid, and he’s unlikely to help any gangs that already have a high reputation.

We’re expecting Klovis and Malakev to be more active in the underhive in the not too distant future,

What’s the Easiest Way To Become a Blood Bowl Star Player? Grab a Whopping Chainsaw

Jim: Greeting, sports fans. Welcome back to another Pitchside Report.

Bob: I’m not happy about this one, Jim.

Jim: Why’s that, Bob?

Bob: It’s these chainsaw-wielding loonies, Jim. I like the carnage they cause, but it’s just not Blood Bowl to me.

Jim: You prefer it to be a little more hands-on, Bob?

Bob: Hands, knees, elbows. What’s wrong with a good old fashioned headbutt, Jim?

Games Workshop What’s The Easiest Way To Become A Blood Bowl Star Player? Grab A Whopping Chainsaw 1

With a career record showing 47 player fatalities, including 28 decapitations, 11 amputations, and 8 disembowelments, Spleenripper is a player that opponents should stay away from.

I’ve even heard whispers from Wood Elf teams that he has a side gig chopping down trees. Although, that could just be something they say to fire up their Treemen before a match.

Bob: I have to admit, those are some pretty impressive statistics, Jim.

Jim: And he won the Most Blood Spilled award in back-to-back seasons, Bob.

Bob:  If he keeps that up, Jim, fans will start a cult worshipping him!

The new Max Spleenripper model is available from Forge World soon.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • „I am the most forgiving of men. But standards must be maintained…“

    „..it is said that it is more merciful to torture the mind than bruise thw body. However I still prefer to do both.“

    „Die, sons of witches!“

    Schon interessant, dass das offenbar Klovis nach den Comic-Ereignissen zeigt. Seiner Kleidung nach ist er wohl aufgestiegen (auch nicht mehr Stitches‘ Kettenschwert bzw. Eviscerator) und Malakev ist schon in Servitorform…
    Nett auch, dass das Liber Excruciatus bzw dessen psychologischen Auswirkungen neben den physischen repräsentiert werden – eben wie im Comic.

  • Super, ich habe mir allerdings von Puppetswar die Tormentors Heads zu meinen Redemptionists geholt. Die Köpfe, vor allem mit dem Grill auf dem Kopf, finde ich etwas daneben.

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