von bkredaktion | 17.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

Forge World: Könige der Zwerge

Forge World verstärkt die Reihen der Zwerge für das Mittelerde-Strategiespiel mit King Dáin Ironfoot und Thorin III ‚Stonehelm‘.

FW King Dáin Ironfoot™ And Thorin III 'Stonehelm' 1 FW King Dáin Ironfoot™ And Thorin III 'Stonehelm' 2 FW King Dáin Ironfoot™ And Thorin III 'Stonehelm' 3 FW King Dáin Ironfoot™ And Thorin III 'Stonehelm' 4

King Dáin Ironfoot™ and Thorin III ‚Stonehelm‘ – 27,00 Euro

Having succeeded his cousin, Thorin Oakenshield, as King Under the Mountain, Dáin has ruled Erebor ever since the Battle of the Five Armies. Now he is burdened by many years, but Dáin is still a mighty warrior and a direct descendant of Durin, and he can hold his own upon the battlefield. Though age may have begun to get the better of him, and he may not be as great a warrior as he once was, the sight of Dáin Ironfoot is enough to inspire all those around him to never surrender while he still stands.

Thorin III is the son of Dáin Ironfoot and has inherited much from his father, including the same martial prowess that Dáin was famed for. Though he has gained much from Dáin and is like his father in many ways, Thorin possesses a calmer and cool-headed nature, which lends itself well to tactical insight upon the battlefield. Yet this does not mean that he is less formidable when he goes to war, and those who underestimate the Dwarven prince are swiftly cut down. It was during the Battle of Dale where Thorin came into his own, driving back the Easterling forces from Erebor and avenging the death of his father.

Dáin Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain, and Thorin III Stonehelm are the beating heart of the Erebor Reclaimed army list. If you’re looking to set your battles during the time of the War of the Ring, they’re the perfect options to lead your Dwarves to victory. They also have the added advantage of being two of the mightiest Heroes available to the forces of Good!

This kit comprises 7 resin components with which you can assemble 1x Dáin Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain, and 1x Thorin III ‚Stonehelm‘. It comes supplied with 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.


Take the Heroes and Warriors of the Hobbit Trilogy, from the Iron Hills Dwarves to Azog’s Legion, to battle in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game with this free rules PDF.

King Dain Ironfoot & Thorin Stonehelm

Quelle: Forge World



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