von BK-Nils | 27.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000

FW: Große Monster und kleine Ritter

Diese Woche kommt von Forge World die Khimerix für Haus Escher und die Knights Moirax und die Armiger Knights rücken im Schatten ihrer großen Geschwister auf die Schlachtfelder von Adeptus Titanicus vor.

Forge World Escher Khimerix 1 Forge World Escher Khimerix 2 Forge World Escher Khimerix 3 Forge World Escher Khimerix 4

Escher Khimerix – 30,00 Euro

House Escher has a long and somewhat shadowy history in dealing in off-world life forms. It’s well known that they make extensive use of strange and exotic creatures to fuel their pharmaceutical production, and the fact that it provides the raw materials for their outlandish costumes appears to be a fortuitous by-product. More disturbing, perhaps, is the fact that House Escher runs a dark and hidden trade in the creation of new life from the creatures they deal in. Gene-spliced hybrids, flesh-fused chimerae and other, darker fusions of different species are common.

Escher Khimerix are one result of these experiments. An amalgamation of the deadliest fauna of the underhive, this mass of mane, feathers, claws, fangs, and scales can be added to your Escher gang for some extra bite. With the ability to breathe poison and regenerate wounds, these creatures are extremely resilient and even more vicious.

This highly detailed resin kit comes in 13 pieces and makes one Escher Khimerix. It comes supplied with one 40mm Necromunda Base.

Rules for using Escher Khimerix in your games of Necromunda can be found in House of Blades.

Forge World Mechanicum Knights Moirax 1 Forge World Mechanicum Knights Moirax 2 Forge World Mechanicum Knights Moirax 3 Forge World Mechanicum Knights Moirax 4

Mechanicum Knights Moirax – 40,00 Euro

Similar in size to the Imperial Armiger, the Mechanicum Knights Moirax are skirmishers that hunt in advance of larger Mechanicum Knights, using esoteric weapons to fell larger war machines while scouting ahead of the main battle lines.

This kit contains three Mechanicum Knights Moirax, one of which is armed with a volkite veuglaire and a gyges siege claw, while two of them are armed with dual lightning locks. These small machine constructs excel at disrupting enemy tactics and taking down medium to heavy Knights, making a worthy addition to your forces in games of Adeptus Titanicus.

This finely detailed resin kit is comprised of 30 components, with which you can assemble three Mechanicum Moirax Knights, and is supplied with three Citadel 25mm round bases.

This set also includes one full-colour, double-sided Command Terminal for a Knights Moirax Banner. This is made from heavyweight card and contains all the rules for using Knights Moirax in your games of of Adeptus Titanicus, including points and wargear options.

A copy of the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy rules is needed to make use of the contents of this kit.

Forge World Armiger Knights Helverins And Warglaives 1 Forge World Armiger Knights Helverins And Warglaives 2 Forge World Armiger Knights Helverins And Warglaives 3 Forge World Armiger Knights Helverins And Warglaives 4

Armiger Knights Helverins and Warglaives – 40,00 Euro

Nimble and responsive, Armiger Knights lope towards the enemy with purposeful strides, wielding a fearsome array of weaponry designed for taking out light armour with ease. Helverins wield a pair of armiger autocannons, capable of spitting out hundreds of armour-piercing shells per minute. Warglaives are equipped for close combat with thermal spears and reaper chain-cleavers, able to take apart enemy Knights with alarming swiftness. On the battlefield, Armigers hunt in packs, harrying Knights and smaller Titans while larger war machines take advantage of their scouting and diversionary tactics.

This kit contains two Armiger Warglaives equipped with thermal lances and reaper chain-cleavers, and one Armiger Helverin equipped with two Armiger autocannons, with two meltaguns and a heavy stubber as weapon options. These small machine constructs excel at disrupting enemy tactics and taking down medium to heavy Knights, making a fine tactical addition to your forces in games of Adeptus Titanicus.

This finely detailed resin kit is comprised of 30 components, with which you can assemble two Armiger Warglaives and one Armiger Helverin, and is supplied with three Citadel 25mm round bases.

This set also includes one full-colour, double-sided Command Terminal for a Knight Armiger Banner. This is made from heavyweight card and contains all the rules for using a Knight Armiger Banner in your games of of Adeptus Titanicus, including points and wargear options.

A copy of Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy rules is needed to make use of the contents of this kit.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Super also muss man sich von der Mini Knight Box auch wieder 3 kaufen damit man ein Banner gleich ausstatten kann, was ja für matched play vorgeben ist. Finde ich echt beschissen von GW, aber das gleiche Problem hat man ja auch mit den Großen Knights. Irgendwie armselig wenn man mit einer Packung nicht mal eine Regelkonforme Truppe stellen kann. Naja ist eh nur ein neben System von mir, aber ärgert mich trotzdem sehr, da ich die Arminger eigentlich recht voll finde..

    • Ist bei 40k ja nicht mehr großartig anders. Im Zweifelsfall werden dann die Regeln an komische Zusammenstellungen in den Sets angepasst, damit deine Einheiten keinen Sinn mehr ergeben

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