von BK-Bob | 13.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Frostgrave, Terrain / Gelände

Frostgrave: Neues Gelände

Die zweite Welle von offiziellen Gelände für Frostgrave von Tabletop Scenics und Osprey Games ist veröffentlicht worden.

Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 1 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 2 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 3 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 4 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 5 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor 6

Eventide Manor – 49,99€

Placed on the outskirts of the city, this huge complex was once the crown jewel of rich and powerful family. Now as abandoned as its surroundings, the manor slowly turns into snow-covered ruins. Some believe that among the rubble the riches and treasures still lay, ready to be found. However, there is no such daredevil who would go there to seek for them.“

The Eventide Manor set contains an eleven-part medieval manor ruins along with floor fragments and wooden planks. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Includes full color assembly instructions.

Miniatures seen in pictures are not a part of this set and are sold separately.

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Fireplaces 1 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Fireplaces 2 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Fireplaces 3

Eventide Manor Fireplaces – 29,99€

„Massive pair of Fireplaces heats up the main hall of the Eventide Manor. Clogged chimneys prevent any smoke to get outside, so the air is full of dark fumes and soot floating around. In those extreme conditions any threat lurking there for some careless adeventurer is twice as dangerous.“

Inside the set you will find two high quality HDF models depicting enormous fireplaces of the Eventide Manor with resin accessories. Models supplied unpainted, may require cleaning and assembly. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames.

Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 1 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 2 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 3 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 4 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 5 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 6 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 7 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 8 Tabletop Scenics Eventide Manor Furniture 9

Eventide Manor Furniture – 25,99€

Abandoned by its mysterious owners, now only ruins and rubble remain of the manor’s former glory. Cold wind howls in empty halls, waking up echoes of bloody banquets and grotesque receptions that once took place under the now-collapsed roof.

This set contains five high quality resin models of the Eventide Manor furniture. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames.

Please note that North Star Military Figures models seen on pictures are not part of this set.

Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 1 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 2 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 3 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 4 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 5 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 6 Tabletop Scenics Haunted Gatehouse 7

Haunted Gatehouse – 119,99€

„The old Gatehouse is one of the best preserved buildings left in the city. Some say that it is because the spirits haunting the place are so strong that they keep the stones and wooden timbers from falling apart. Whether it is true or not, only the bravest adventurers would tell, but none of them ever left this grim and abandoned construction alive.“

This set contains one large Gatehouse with playable interior and modular wall section along with detachable rooftops, stairs and ladders. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Includes full color assembly instructions and dedicated scenario „The Haunted Gatehouse“ by Joseph A. McCullough.

Miniatures seen in pictures are not a part of this set and are sold separately.

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Tabletop Scenics Raised Squares & Bridges 1 Tabletop Scenics Raised Squares & Bridges 2 Tabletop Scenics Raised Squares & Bridges 3 Tabletop Scenics Raised Squares & Bridges 4 Tabletop Scenics Raised Squares & Bridges 5

Raised Squares & Bridges – 44,99€

Once beautiful examples of craftsmanship and architecture, now cold and empty. The Squares and Bridges rising above the terraces are the perfect spot to overview the abandoned city. Unfortunately, unawared adventurer standing there is also visible for anyone hunting for an easy prey.“

The Raised Squares and Bridges set contains three pairs of structures – rectangular, square and triangular platforms – along with three flights of stairs and two bridges. With the Raised Squares and Bridges set you can create an elevated area of the battlefield that can also be easily modified and stored between the games. Each level of this structure is 7cm/2.76″ high. Includes full-color assembly instructions. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. 

Miniatures seen in pictures are not a part of this set and are sold separately.

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Tabletop Scenics Ruined Hallway 1 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Hallway 2 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Hallway 3

Ruined Hallway – 25,99€

Abandoned by its mysterious owners, now only ruins and rubble remain of the manor’s former glory. Cold wind howls in empty halls, waking up echoes of bloody banquets and grotesque receptions that once took place under the now-collapsed roof.

This set contains five high quality resin models of Ruined Hallway scattered rubble. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames.

Please note that North Star Military Figures models seen on pictures are not part of this set.

Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 1 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 2 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 3 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 4 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 5 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 6 Tabletop Scenics Walkways & Arcades 7

Walkways & Arcades – 44,99€

„Once beautiful examples of craftsmanship and architecture, now cold and empty. The Walkways and Arcades surrounding the courtyard are the perfect place to hide during the blizzard. Unfortunately, they are also a perfect spot to set an ambush for the unawared adventurer.“

The Walkways and Arcades set contains ten different structures along with four flights of stairs, two ladders and twenty-one railings. With the Walkways and Arcades set you can create an elevated area of the battlefield that can also be easily modified and stored between the games. Each level of this structure is 7cm/2.76″ high. Includes full-color assembly instructions. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. 

Miniatures seen in pictures are not a part of this set and are sold separately.

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Quelle: Tabletop Scenics


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich finde das Guard House sehr schick, aber für unbemalt im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz 4Ground einerseits und TT Combat andererseits extrem teuer.

    • Das stimmt, allerdings muss ich sagen: die Qualität von Kromlechs MDF ist extrem hoch, besonders im Vergleich zu TTcombat. Hab beides hier (auch aus der Frostgrae-Serie), und Kromlech fühlt sich im direkten Vergleich fast an wie Lego. Der Detailgrad, das Material und der Cut sind wirklich gut.
      Bei 120€ für eine Hütte werde ich aber auch aussetzen, das erscheint mir dafür auch zu viel.

    • Qualitativ – besonders von den gelaserten Details und der Doppelwandigkeit – sind die Kromlech-Sachen weit vor z.B. TTCombat und Sarissa (Im TWS-Archiv gibt’s ein Review zu einigen der ersten Frostgrave-Gebäuden).
      Bin gespannt, wann das Haunted Gatehouse in deren Shop kommt, um die genauen Abmessungen einsehen zu können. Ich denke, das ist durchaus ein Brocken und mehr als „nur eine Hütte“ …

      Dennoch: 120€ sind ’ne Ansage.

  • Das Torhaus ist schon sehr schick. Wenn das von der Qualität her gut aussieht, dann sind die 120€ fair. Wir haben im Verein die Taverne von 4Ground und der Bastler hat dort richtig gezaubert. So ein großer Bausatz ist ein ganzer Spieltisch im Miniformat, das lohnt dann schon.
    Mist, jetzt hab ich Lust auf das Torhaus…

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