von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fallout: Rollenspiel

Die rührigen Seelen bei Modiphius haben ein weiteres Rollenspiel herausgebracht – eine Eintrag in der Reihe, das Rollenspiel zum Tabletop zum Computerspiel… Fallout – Das Rollenspiel.

Fallout The Roleplaying Game 1

Fallout – The Roleplaying Game

In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape. The Fallout RPG pre-order is here, with a Core BookDice Set and Gamemaster’s Toolkit, plus G.E.C.K Special Edition BoxTable BundleGamemaster’s bundle and Player’s Bundle, there’s something for everyone. All purchases which include a core book will receive a FREE PDF, so you can start playing right away.
Fallout The Roleplaying Game 2

Fallout – The Roleplaying Game – Core Book 38,00 GBP

THIS IS A PRE-ORDER: Expected to ship summer of 2021

In 2077, the storm of nuclear war reduced most of the planet to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization will struggle to arise. A civilization you will shape.

How will you re-shape the world? Will you join with a plucky band of survivors to fight off all-comers and carve out your own settlement? Will you team up with pre-existing factions like the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants to enforce your own ideals on the Wasteland? Ghoul or robot, paladin or raider, it’s your choice – and the consequences are yours. Welcome to the Wasteland. Welcome to the world of Fallout.

This 438-page hardbound rulebook features a gorgeous cover design evoking the iconic Vault-Tec jumpsuit.  Inside, you will find rules and lore for roleplaying in the Fallout world, as well as concept art from the Fallout videogames. Utilizing Modiphius’ celebrated 2d20 cinematic role-playing system, the Fallout RPG will take players on an exciting journey into the post-apocalypse!

Create your own survivors, super mutants, ghouls, and even Mister Handy robots. Immerse yourselves in the iconic post-nuclear apocalyptic world of Fallout, while gamemasters guide their group through unique stories and encounters. The 2d20 edition of Fallout is as close to the bottlecap bartering, wasteland wandering, Brotherhood battling excitement as you can get.

  • Immerse yourself in this genre-defining setting with the official Fallout™ tabletop roleplaying game.
  • Create your group of original characters including vault dwellers, ghouls, super mutants, and even robots. Tell your own stories of survival in post-nuclear America using a host of non-playable characters and horrific mutated creatures.
  • Use iconic weapons, armor, chems, and items transferred straight from the video game. Scavenge the ruins of the old world and make your mark on the Wasteland.
  • Utilize the 2d20 System – a roleplaying rules set that supports both story-led adventures and detailed gameplay. Use Action Points to power your incredible wasteland wanderers, and augment their actions with your fantastic Perks.
  • Use an extensive catalogue of creatures and characters from the world of Fallout.
  • ‚With a Bang or a Whimper‘ 18 page introductory adventure

* When you purchase this pre-order, you will receive a copy of the core rulebook in PDF format by email. 

Außerdem sind diverse Bundle vorbestellbar:

Fallout The Roleplaying Game 3 Fallout The Roleplaying Game 4 Fallout The Roleplaying Game 5 Fallout The Roleplaying Game 6


Quelle: Modiphius Entertainment

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Strenggenommen das Rollenspiel zum Rollenspiel-Tabletop zum tabletop zum Computerspiel 😉 (Spielbar mit Miniaturen des selbigen XD)

    Aber als Fallout Fan und Besitzer des Tabletop und Modiphius fan habe ich mir das ganze auch schon vorbestellt. Man bekommt auch direkt das PDF zum Regelbuch schon zugeschickt sobald man Vorbestellt.

    Macht einen guten Eindruck und sieht sehr ordentlich aus mit ordentlichem Fokus auf die Zugaengigkeit des Systems.

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