Auf Kickstarter ist eine mutige Abenteurerin mit ihrer Maus unterwegs.
Estela, the Pixie Adventurer
High quality fantasy themed miniature for painters and collectors
„Estela is about to go on an adventure with her faithful friend Flint the mouse. What will be behind the next mound? Will they find the legendary Snowball? Or will they discover wonders never seen before? „
This Kickstarter campaign offers a new fantasy miniature in high-quality resin at a great value. Each of the parts has been carefully designed and modelled to obtain the best detail in the final product. Take advantage of this special Kickstarter offer before its regular release. This miniature has many different surfaces: fur, cloth, leather,skin… that will allow you to practice and show your painting skills.
This miniature do not have a set scale since it was sculpted just to bring to life the idea without limitations. The miniature will have a total height of about 94 mm. Due to its size, the model is divided in 24 separate pieces. These are made to fit easily, with little to no seam.
Assembly instructions will be available if needed. Remember that the base show in this preview will be replaced if the stretch goal is reached.
Stretch Goal:
This stretch goal is designed to replace the simple base of Estela, the Pixie Adventurer for another better with more details and surfaces. This goalwill be FREE to the Adventurer pledge once it was unlocked!
Shipping will be delivered by ordinary postal mail with tracking. We can not ship to PO Boxes.
Please, do not add your shipping cost to your pledge. The cost of shipping will be calculated individually to ensure the minimum cost for each order. At the end of the campaign and when we have received all the backer surveys, we will contact you to manage the shipping costs before sending each order.
If you come to Pamplona (Spain) to pick up your order, you can save the shipping costs and we can also meet in person!
In the following chart, you can find an estimation of the shipping costs.
The shipping is planned to begin in March 2022. However, this might change depending on production requirements
For those who only want some of the Add-Ons, you might be able to receive their order sooner if the products are in stock.
Further information will be posted on the updates of this project.