von BK-Thorsten | 03.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Empress Miniatures: Iron Duke Neuheiten

Empress haben viele neue historische Miniaturen im Shop.

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We have some hot off the press new releases from Iron Duke in the shop so have a great weekend shopping. 28mm
These include a lot of packs for the First Afghanistan War as well as a pack for the Orange River Campaign and also some generic horses.
GAPS 12 British Line Infantry, flank company firing line, ‚bell-top‘ shako, bastion-ended lace, knapsacks. Use with GAPS 11. (8 figs).
GAPS 19 Retreat from Kabul (Set VII). ‚The Rearguard‘ – Rank & File Figures. A feature set based on HM 44th Regt. 16 x figs.
[GAPS 20 Retreat from Kabul (Set VIII). ‚The Rearguard‘; Command Group Figures. Maj-Gen Elphinstone Mounted Personality Figure, 2 company officers, 2 ensigns, 2 sergeants, 7 rank and file (2 casualties, 5 other). Total 14 figs & 1 horse.
GAPS 21 British Infantry in Winter Gear, Greatcoats, covered shakoes and knapsacks. [1st Anglo-Afghan War (Retreat from Kabul). Also suitable for Canada 1837-8). (8 figs).
GAPS 24A Afghans in Winter Dress (Sniping I). [Suitable for both 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan Wars]. (8 figs).
GAPS 24B Afghans in Winter Dress (Sniping II). [Suitable for both 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan Wars]. (8 figs).
GAPS 24C Afghans in Winter Dress (Charging I). [Suitable for both 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan Wars]. (8 figs).
GAPS 24D Afghans in Winter Dress (Charging II). [Suitable for both 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan Wars]. (8 figs).
GAPS 25 Afghan Command in Winter Dress. Code consists of one group of four figs suitable for ‘sniping’ units and another group of four for ‘charging’ units. [Will suit both 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan Wars]. (8 figs
GAPS 26 EIC Irregular Cavalry, Lancers in alkaluks, with percussion carbines. 6 riders & 6 horses.
GAPS 27 EIC Irregular Cavalry, in alkaluks with slung matchlocks, charging with tulwars. 6 riders and horses.
GAPS 28 EIC Irregular Cavalry Command. British and Indian Officers, Guidon, Bugle. 4 riders and horses.
OR 12 British Line Infantry, skirmish line, flank company coatees, Kilmarnocks (no peak), regulation crossbelt equipment, blanket packs, P1842 percussion muskets. (8 figs).
THEM 17 Set of 4 British Regular Cavalry Horses, standing at halt.

Quelle: Empress Miniatures auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Sehr schöne Minis. Gefallen mir sehr. Hat jemand eine Quelle, wo man diese Figuren innerhalb Europas kaufen kann?

  • Soviel ich weiß kann man die Ironduke Range tatsächlich nur bei Empress in UK ordern. Aber ruhig mal beim Miniaturicum nachfragen, vielleicht nimmt er sie mit ins Programm. Ich mag diese Range auch, leider kann ich nicht alles anfangen.

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