von BK-Nils | 01.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Dystopian Wars

Dystopian Wars: November Neuheiten

Für Dystopian Wars kommen drei Erweiterungen für Flotten im Kampf um die Meere des Dystopian Age.

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 1 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 2

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 3 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 4 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 5 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 6

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 7 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 8 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 9 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 10

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 11 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 12 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 13 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 14

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 15 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 16 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 17 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 18

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 19 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 20 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 21 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 22

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 23 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 24 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 25 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 26

Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 27 Warcradle Dystopian Wars Victory Battlefleet Set 28

Victory Battlefleet Set – 75,00 GBP

For the last three decades, the Victory class Heavy Carriers has been a dominating force around the globe. They demonstrate the huge significance that naval strength plays in all Crown military campaigns. As an island nation, the British consider the seas and oceans of the world as essential to hold their Dominions together. The Victory and her aircraft ensure that remains so. With an internal hanger that is rivalled only by the experimental Ice Maiden of the Imperium, A Victory can launch dozens of Defiant fighters into the skies to defend the fleet from incoming bombers or to hammer the decks of her enemies with their rapid firing Vickers Automatic Guns.

Its aircraft are not the Victory’s only defence of course. It is armed with three Mark VII Congreve rocket turrets, giving them significant long-range engagement capabilities. While the Victory is no spring chicken, its solid design and advanced Crown engineering make it capable of keeping up with newer classes of ship.

Alongside the Victory Heavy Carriers are found, not only the common Frontline Squadrons but also Support Squadrons. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.

The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan’s was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen’s Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.

The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier.

The Victory Battlefleet Set kit builds nineteen multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

  • 1x Victory Class Heavy Carrier
  • 3x Morgana Submarines
  • 3x Albion Cruisers
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class
  • 6x Caliburn Frigates
  • 3x Agincourt Cruisers
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Athelstan or Hotspur Class
  • 6x Excalibur Destroyers
  • 3x SRS Tokens

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 1 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 2

Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 3 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 4 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 5 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 6

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Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 11 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 12 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 13 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 14

Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 15 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 16 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 17 Warcradle Enlightened Support Squadrons 18

Enlightened Support Squadrons – 23,00 GBP

The support ships that escort the Flagship vessels of the Enlightened Fleets fill some very specialist roles. The Plinius Support Carrier carries dozens of Scythe Drones and can launch them from hydraulic ramps. This allows the Plinius to partially submerge when the ramps are closed making it very difficult to see and target. Built around the same hull as the Plinius are a number of other Cruisers. The Quintilian bombardment cruiser mounts heavy rockets that it can launch at distant targets before returning below the waves. The Tacitus Assault Cruiser favours two hardpoints for turrets, most often Particle Beamers. The Claudius Merchantman is designed with extra hull space and is the backbone of Enlightened logistics, the ingenious engineers still managing to squeeze in a number of torpedo launchers to protect them from pirates and other hostiles.

While these Cruisers are able to lurk just below the surface the Diogenese and Praxilla Class Submarines are able to operate at significant depths. These large Automata operate under a number of pre-programmed subroutines and are effective at hunting down and destroying enemy vessels.

The Enlightened Support Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part plastic miniatures;

  • 2x Plinius Cruisers
    • Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Quintilian, Tacitus and Claudius Class
  • 6x Praxilla Submarines
    • Each Submarine can alternatively be built as a Diogenese Class
  • 2x SRS Tokens
  • 2x Physeter Tokens

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 1 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 2

Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 3 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 4 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 5 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 6

Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 7 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 8 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 9 Warcradle Tianlong Battlefleet Set 10

Tianlong Battlefleet Set – 40,00 GBP

The Tianlong Draconic Colossus uses a combination of rotor engines and repulsion fields to remain aloft. Originally created to patrol the airspace near the Zhanmadao Sky Fortresses and Ziwei Sky Bastions, the Tianlong swoop down, their skilled crews getting the most out of these marvels of Engineering. The Tianlong can be outfitted with different weapons located in the mouth and tail. The choice of the Heavy Huoqiang or the Heat Lancette is a difficult one for most Captains to make. The Heavy gun battery can also be removed in favour of additional crew space to house a squadron of Bushi Ryu. These highly trained Samurai use rocket-propelled armour to descend to assault enemy vessels in hand to hand combat.

Despite the fact that King Sun Li of Korea holds responsibility for all air technology the Emperors Ming and Shinuza have utilised a loophole to jointly commission the construction of a Draconic Colossus to provide air support for their own units. This has caused some amount of frustration for The Cloud Dragon and he has tried to have the Colossi decommissioned or brought under his oversight on several occasions. The Forum, however, has resisted such moves to dismantle such magnificent symbols of the Empire.

There are occasions when squadrons of Tianlong are sent on strike missions, if so they are often supported on the sea by Gong destroyers. These fast, but well-armed vessels are ideal for long-range, fast attacks, complimenting the Draconic Colossi well.

The Tianlong Battlefleet Set kit builds nine multi-part plastic miniatures;

  • 3x Tianlong Draconic Colossus
  • 6x Gong Destroyers

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

Quelle: Warcradle Studios


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die Robo-Drachen der Chinesen, bzw. jetzt ja eher der Pan-Asia-Empire-Fraktion vom neuen Dystopian Wars finde ich richtig klasse. Die Box wird einmal vorgemerkt.

  • Hab mir letztens das Eisbergschiff der DSeutschen geholt, is wirklich ne tolle Mini ich hoffe nur das die KuK Flotte auch mal als unter Fraktion erscheint

  • Interessante Neuerscheinungen … aber ich bleib trotz Robo-Drachen beim Imperium. Hoffe da gibt es demnächst auch mal wieder was neues. Zeppeline, Metzger und U-Boote wären Nice 🙂

  • Puah, ich bin ja ehrlich gesagt doch ziemlich glücklich, quasi alles von den „alten“ Antarktikern zu haben. Das neue Design sieht mir viel zu – unrealistisch aus…

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