von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Cyber-Forge: September Patreon Preview

Cyber-Forge zeigen Previews des September Patreons.

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Cyber-Forge – September Patreon Preview

Hello everyone!
In September we will tempt you to leave your safe space and enter the Savage Space! On top of hero characters, this month you will receive a range of monsters, orcs, and other cosmic horrors. Prepare for a thrilling adventure!

In order to further the advancements in physics, Ryan Ricksonn sponsored the largest hadron collider in Solar System running across the equator of Ganymede. However, the last couple of experiments gave strange results. Not only did the particles not collide, but they also disappeared completely from the closed circuit! A pair of scientists, George and Micheal flew out along the magnetic pipeline to find the cause of the anomaly.

A hadron collider recreates the conditions and energies that existed during the Big Bang. On such a scale, it could not go unnoticed. Cosmorodekh is able to connect to the collider, transform such energies into actual temporary universes, and connect them with ours. Inevitably, some of the horrors it dreams into them break through to our world.

Many things happened as a result. A cloud of parasitic fungus spores rained down on nearby satellites. It transformed organic beings into Ophiofungus hosts that further replicate its cells. The neural circuits of androids also became easily affected and transformed into Fungunoid drones cooperating as a network protecting the mycelium.

Horrific beasts began to appear all around Jupiter’s system, mainly around Titan City where they could feed and survive. The Pinkorrs seemed to adapt especially well but the gigantic horrors like Jal were the most mind-crushing, soul-crushing, and especially body-crushing.

The entire system became a warzone, a savage space. And in savage space, savages rule. Joe Rutledge together with an orc band (modular) managed to heroically rid the desert of most beasts. In the process, however, he reclaimed control over Borderlands, and this time he won’t be letting in anyone who could dethrone him.

But his mortal demise might already be at his side. Ulug Hayaa and Smrag the Slave Master do not think that Rutledge is radical enough, for them Borderlands are not enough, they want it all. Instead of killing the mysteriously appearing beasts, they want to use them to take down Titan City.

In the meantime, the City is on lock-down until the source of anomalies is found. Still, the influential Commissioner managed to send a rescue mission for his son, Micheal, on Ganymede. There was not much hope, but Boneca was to at least try. When she began to land at night at the hadron’s station, two pairs of rescue flares lit up on the ground. It means there is someone here to be saved!

As she left the ship in a hurry, she saw two twisted monsters, one with giant horns, and another with a pyramid on its head running straight at her. What the hell! She reached for a blaster but the monsters started screaming in pure English:
– We have lost all contact with the base and satellites!
– Are you here to rescue us?
They did not seem to pose any threat, just stood in front of her, clueless. They continued:
– My name is Michael, and this is George, we are stuck here with no contact, running out of supplies. Can you tell us what’s going on?
Still in shock, she replied:
– S-something terrible is going all around the system. Do you not see it? Everyone is looking for the source of the anomaly. I-I think it must be connected to this place.
The beasts looked at each other confused. Michael asked:
– To this place? But why?

Happy Printing!
CF Team


Link: Cyberforge Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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