von BK-Bob | 02.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

Cubicle 7: März Rückblick auf GW Rollenspiele

Es gibt neuen Stoff für die Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Fantasy und Warhammer 40.000 Rollenspiele von Cubicle 7.

C7 March Recap – So Many Exciting RPG Releases!

It’s been another incredibly busy month here at Cubicle 7! Today, we are recapping on all of the exciting releases we had during March for Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

Altdorf: Crown of the Empire Out Now!

WFRP Altdorf Crown Of The Empire

Just today we realised Altdorf: Crown of the Empire! This new title is a fascinating and entertaining 224-page guidebook to the capital. Standing on the confluence of two of the greatest rivers in the Empire, Altdorf is a nexus of power: government, religion, magic and military. Each district is carefully detailed with a wide variety of locations, plot hooks, and NPCs. A beautifully illustrated map, provided with both GM and Player versions, shows off the expansive city in exquisite detail.

Whilst Altdorf: Crown of the Empire contains enough plot hooks and interesting locations to be the site of hundreds of adventures, it is also a perfect complement to the Enemy Withincampaign. The Characters may turn the fleeting visits to Altdorf described in Enemy in ShadowsDeath on the Reik and Power Behind the Throneinto detailed explorations. The capital will also play a pivotal role in the forthcoming fifth part of the campaign, Empire in Ruins.

Pre-order the physical copy of Altdorf here

Buy the PDF ONLY of Altdorf on our webstore here

Buy the PDF ONLY of Altdorf on DrivethruRPG here

WFRP Enemy Within, Death on the Reik Now Available on Foundry VTT!

Death On The Reik

We know that many of you have been enjoying the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Foundry Virtual Tabletop modules that are already available:

  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Core
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Starter Set
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Rough Nights and Hard Days
  • Enemy in Shadows and Companion Module
  • Ubersreik Adventures Module

This week we are excited to launch the Death on the Reik Module for Foundry VTT! We have lots more plans for virtual tabletop and will continue to expand our offering throughout 2021! We know how important VTT’s are to the Warhammer Community and we think you will really enjoy this new officially supported module. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Purchase Death on the Reik Module from our webstore here.

Browse all modules here.

Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Bestiary Out Now!

We added another exciting release to the titles already available for Soulbound this week! The Mortal Realms are filled with countless terrifying creatures and monstrous beasts. The Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Bestiary contains over 150 creatures to use in your Soulbound campaign. This book features some of the most iconic foes from Warhammer Age of Sigmar, from the reality-warping Tzeentchian Lord of Change, to the merciless Knight of Shrouds, to the awe-inspiring Krake-eater Mega-Gargant. The Soulbound Bestiary is an invaluable tool for any Soulbound Gamemaster and a wealth of lore for fans of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Pre-order the Bestiary here and receive the PDF Now

Buy the PDF ONLY on our webstore here

Buy the PDF ONLY on DrivthruRPG here.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Bestiary

Don’t Mess With Dwarfs – WFRP Grey Mountain Gold Out Now!

Ubersreik Adventures 2, Grey Mountain Gold is a gripping adventure that describes the trouble that might arise from a hastily planned expedition to recover loot from the lost holds of the Dwarfs. It’s also a cautionary tale to remind folk not to mess with the Dwarfs, or those who might seek to acquire their treasures!

Ubersreik Adventures II contains five all new adventures, along with a chapter expanding on events in the City of Ubersreik, the setting established in the WFRP Starter Set. It explores the fate of the city, as it teters between direct Imperial control, the influence of the Jungfrueds, and perhaps a glimpse of a more independent future.

Pre-order the physical copy of Ubersreik Adventures 2 on our webstore here.

Buy Ubersreik Adventures 2 on our webstore in PDF ONLY here.

Buy Ubersreik Adventures 2 in PDF ONLY via DrivethruRPG here.

If you wish to purchase ONLY the PDF for Grey Mountain Gold you can do that on our webstore here.

WFRP Grey Mountain Gold

Daily Struggle for Survival – WFRP Patrons of the Old World Out Now!

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Patrons of the Old World (PDF only) details four unique NPCs, each with their own string of plot hooks and an ultimate goal for Characters to aid — or hinder — them in achieving.  Though tied to specific locations in the Old World, each may be dropped into an ongoing campaign anywhere in the Empire.

Buy on our webstore here.

Buy on DrivethruRPG here.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Patrons Of The Old World I

Shadows in the Mist Final Adventure Out Now!

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound Shadows In The Mist

We had three more releases for Shadows in the Mist in March.

Petrified Wood, Aqua Nurglis and Balancing the Scales – the final adventure for Shadows in the Mist are all now available in PDF. These adventures can be played as part of the Shadows in the Mist campaign or as standalone adventures.

Pre-order the physical copyof Shadows in the Mist here and receive the Anvilgard City GuideBloodtide, Crucible of Life, Rotten to the CorePetrified Wood, Aqua Nurglis and Balancing the Scales in PDF straight away!

Shadows in the Mist is a sprawling six-part campaign set within the free city of Anvilgard and sees a group of Soulbound heroes tasked with rooting out corruption in the city and exposing the mysterious Blackscale Coil — an organisation made up of members of the Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers, and other Aelven outcasts. The Coil has used coercion, bribery, and violence to gain a stranglehold on the city. Even the Grand Conclave that is supposed to govern Anvilgard seems to have been infiltrated by the Coil, making it impossible to know who to trust. But an even greater rot is growing in the heart of Anvilgard, one that could consume the city entirely if it is not stopped in time.

Pre-order the physical copy of Shadows in the Mist here 

Buy just the Petrified Wood PDF from our webstore here.

Buy just the Aqua Nurglis PDF from our webstore here.

Buyjust the Balancing the Scales PDF from our webstore here.

Litanies of the Lost – Final Adventure available now!

Wrath & Glory Litanies Of The Lost

Grim Harvest, the final thrilling scenario for Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory Litanies of the Lost is available now! Terror has struck the simple farmers of the agri-settlement of Ancra. It’s unfailingly devout workers are failing to meet the Administratum’s ever-rising tithes, and something is taking them in the night. The diligent farmers speak of a Grim Harvest, vile creatures that slay the impious during their 18-hour work shifts. Some blame the newly arrived tech-ghouls of the Adeptus Mechanicus, others say this is a simple test of faith!When you pre-order Litanies of the Lost you will receive Duty Beyond Death, Dark Bidding, Vow of Silence and Grim Harvest straight away.

Pre-order Litanies of the Lost on our webstore here.

Buy in PDF only on our webstore here.

Buy the PDF on DrivthruRPG here.

Quelle: Cubicle 7


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Kann das WHFB Modul für Foundry nur empfehlen – das ist 1a und vom Preis her wirklich in Ordnung. Habe das GRW als Foundry Add In und das ist wirklich gut konzipiert und macht das Online-Spielen angenehm!

  • Geilon die hams drauf. Long live th oldworld 🙂
    Schade nur das ulisses seit einem gefühlten halben jahr das warhammer starterset als „vorbestellbar“. und so 4 wochen vor release wird der counter wieder um 3 monate verlängert, schade.

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