Creature Caster: Neue Previews
Von Creature Caster kommen Werwölfe.
3D render of The Wolf and The Pack. Coming soon!These vicious werewolves will be available in a complete set. You can also purchase just The Wolf, separately, or The Pack (5 wolves).Created by Novac Dawn Studio and produced by Creature Caster.
Concept art vs 3D render. The final howling member of The Pack. Calling his brethren forth into battle.
Concept art vs 3D render. Another dynamic member of The Pack. Would you dare to hunt him down? Many have tried, few have survived.
Concept art vs. 3D render of one of The Pack members created by Novac Dawn Studio.
Concept art versus 3D render.The Wolf. Leader of the Varcolaci – a clan of pagan warriors who were turned into humanoid beasts through cannabalistic rituals. Many have faced him, and none have survived. Their skulls and futile weaponry serve as a warning to all.
The Wolf is the first character to emerge from the Untamed Fairy Tales series. But this terrifying wolf does not travel alone… His trusty pack run by his side, ready to tear any creature in their path limb from limb.
The first tale in the Untamed Fairy Tales series is Little Red Riding Hood.Novac Dawn Studio has really brought these twisted characters to life, and we’re excited to be producing these awesome sculpts!
Quelle: Creature Caster auf Facebook
Ja, DAS sind vernünftige Werwölfe. Schaut mal hierher, Mantic! Schade, dass ich sie grad ned brauch. Obwohl, ne reine Werwolf-Gruppe für Mortheim? 😉