von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Moderne, Science-Fiction

Corvus Games Terrain: Neuheiten

Corvus Games Terrain veröffentlicht neue Modelle im STL Format.

Corvus Games Terrain Neuheiten2

Corvus Games Terrain – XT6 Sci-fi Cargo Sled – 5,00 EUR

The XT6 Cargo Sled is perfect as a runabout skiff. Designed to handle all your small to medium cargo needs, it features repulsor-lift technology with dual engine pods for that extra burst of speed.

A 3D printable Cargo Sled that prints as two pieces that clip together, and comes with an optional base that clips into the undersection. Compatible with sci-fi tabletop games such as Star Wars Legion, Infinity, Necromunda, Stargrave, 40k.

This model has been designed to use OpenLOCK clip technology making it much easier and faster to connect the sections together.


Corvus Games Terrain Neuheiten3

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban Deli Building – 5,00 EUR

A 3D printable two floor urban Delicatessen Shop ideal for 28mm scale tabletop games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test.

Supplied as 2 main components with separate optional sign.

Scale to between 115% and 126% to be compatible with Marvel Crisis Protocol as a size 3 building.

Corvus Games Terrain Neuheiten4

Corvus Games Terrain – Urban Burger Restaurant – 5,00 EUR

A 3D printable two floor urban Burger Restaurant ideal for 28mm scale tabletop games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead, This Is Not A Test.

Supplied as 4 main components with separate optional sign.

Scale to between 115% and 126% to be compatible with Marvel Crisis Protocol as a size 3 building.

Corvus Games Terrain Neuheiten1

Corvus Games Terrain – Old West Sheriff Office – 8,00 EUR

A 28mm scale 3D printable Sheriff’s Office with Jail for old Wild West themed games. Compatible with Dead Man’s Hand, Dracula’s America, Wild West Exodus, and Malifaux.

The building prints as four main pieces, and includes a jail area at the back of the lower section with slot-in jail door. There’s also the option of printing the jail section with a blown-out rear wall for jail break scenarios! The lower part of the building features an integrated boardwalk to the front and and an internal floor for interior play. An ideal companion piece to the General Store, The Undertakers, and St. Gabriel’s Church for building your western themed town.

Supplied with the option for blanked or ‚open‘ windows as well as a version without internal floors for faster printing.

Link: Corvus Games Terrain

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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