von BK-Herr Kemper | 27.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Battlysystems: Core Space Neuheiten & News

Battlesystems veröffentlichen Neuheiten für Core Space.

New Releases Winter 2021

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Not long left to wait! Core Space: First Born will be hitting retail shelves as soon as the Kickstarter is fulfilled.

We still don’t have precise dates on that yet as shipping is just so uncertain right now, but it’s looking like we’ll be fulfilling in December (unless you live in China, in which case your delivery is imminent!). Check out our latest Kickstarter update for more details.

That means the game should reach your FLGS in January 2022. We will get all the details out to stores and up onto our website shortly, so if you missed the Kickstarter you will be able to pre-order the new game in the next few weeks. We’ll send out another newsletter once everything is good to go.

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First Born isn’t the only new thing coming – we couldn’t possibly do just one thing at a time!

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Alongside the new game, our impending shipment will add to our range of deluxe neoprene Gaming Mats. You will soon be able to pick up the Desert Wasteland and Frontier mats in larger 3′ x 3′ sizes. We have also added a new Winter Snowscape mat to accompany our Snow Covered Roofs, suitable for games such as Frostgrave. These will all be available to order very soon!

In the meantime, don’t forget that our two newest Core Space expansions, Black Star Rising and Wanted Dead or Alive, are available to order now.

Fantasy Game Update

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Do you recognise these two beauties from their concept art in our last newsletter?

Development continues on our new game, and we’ve almost decided on a name!

Rules testing is going well too. While its central mechanics are based on Core Space, it is a bespoke game written from the ground up. The rules have been adapted to add magic and those changes are felt throughout the game. At a most basic level, everything has had to be rebalanced to skew the combat towards melee rather than guns, and that alone gives the game a brand new feel. Players like Core Space because of the immersive, claustrophobic tension, so just imagine how that feels now you have to get up close and personal with all manner of monsters!

The boxed game will be a dungeon crawler, with everything you’d want from such a setting, but of course the game will be fully compatible with our existing terrain range so you can play in outdoor settings too!

We’re not quite ready to show off the game yet, although Colin being Colin he’s already handcrafted lots of prototype tokens and terrain. I’m sure he’ll be able to show them off on this week’s Live Stream – see below.

We’ve also been hard at work on the sculpts, and we’re really happy with how they’re coming along. Here are a few more:

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By next time we will hopefully be able to tell you what the new game is called! It’s coming to a crowdfunding site near you in early 2022.

Quelle: Battlesystems Blog

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Fantasy Spiel klingt super.

    Ich wollte schon immer etwas mehr Solotabletop, gerade nachdem ich die letzten zwei Monate extrem tief in Solorollenspiele wie das gigantische Ironsworn und alles weitere eingetaucht bin.

    Bei Core Space gefiel mir nie, dass es immer innerhalb dieser quadratischen Räume spielte. Das ganze Spielfeld war nicht meins.

    Bei 5 Parsecs from Home stört mich, dass jeder Charakter (ähnlich wie bei Infinity) quasi nur einen Lebenspunkt hat.

    Bei Rangers of Shadowdeep ist man (auch wenn das Spiel super ist) ziemlich durch die festen Missionen eingeengt, die immer sehr ähnliches Storytelling mit sich bringen.

    Und Five Leagues from the Borderlands habe ich nicht mehr im Kopf. Irgendetwas hatte mich da auch gestört.

    Wenn man die Fantasy-Battlesystems Geländeteile, von denen ich einige habe, nun für ein Core Space artiges Solosystem verwenden kann, dann klingt das ziemlich perfekt.

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