von BK-Herr Kemper | 21.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

Carnevale: Blood on the Water

TTCombat zeigen im Zuge ihres Advents-Kalenders Previews für Carnevale.

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We first teased Blood on the Water in 2019’s Advent Calendar. That both seems like a long time ago and also like a few weeks at the same time.

Unfortunately, the Doctors of the Ospedale unleashed a plague on the world, slowing progress on… well on everything really! So while it’s taken longer than anticipated, Blood on the water is just round the corner.

We’ve already seen our first releases for Carnevale in the new year, and we’re happy to say now that Blood on the Water will be coming shortly afterwards!

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While we’re not spoiling any more of what you can expect in there (we’re still a few months out from the release), we will give you a single brand new rule: Fortune’s Favour.

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This new rule sits right underneath the Golden Rule. It’s a core rule and shows just how we expect the game to be played. We like to call it “competitive niceness” in the office, since it encourages players to be as friendly as they possibly can. Feel free to start using it in your games from now if you like!

What About Models?

Of course, Blood on the Water is just the start. The story introduces loads of new people, character types, and subfactions – all of which will be represented in game!

When the book is released, we’ll be releasing new models for every faction as well, and then going forwards we’ve got plenty of new characters to add to your gangs with each new Carnevale release.

Again, we’re not going to spoil everything today, but here’s a taster of some of the new miniatures coming your way next year…

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Who are they? What do they do? What are their rules? Well, we’re just going to leave that up to your imagination!

What Else? I Want MORE!

Alright, alright calm down. There’s one other thing.

With Blood on the Water we’ve got plenty of new rules, including some new special rules and changes to the core rules. With all that in mind, we thought it would be a good time to do a full balance pass on all the existing characters.

When the book is released, we’ll also be rolling out those changes. Underperforming characters will get a buff, overperforming characters will get a nerf, and there will be some bigger changes still.

We’ll be looking at rebalancing whole factions, making sure they play in the way we intended. That means each faction will feel more unique, and their play style will be stronger. We’re also re-evaluating all the faction Command Abilities to make sure they’re not only balanced, but some of the most useful skills for your faction.

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We’re still playtesting these changes at the moment, but as you can see, there are some exciting things coming!

That’s all we’re teasing for now (there’s a fair amount to go on there though). We’ll likely showcase a little more before the release of the book next year, so keep your eyes peeled! Our good friends at Monsters Behind the Masks have managed to find a spy in our ranks as well, so they might have more information in their coming episodes.

In the meantime, there’s already loads of Carnevale for you on the TTCombat webstore. Head over there to have a look what’s on offer, and we’ll see you in Venice in the new year.

Remember, just one more day for UK shipping before the holidays!

Quelle: TTCombat

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Leider spiel ich Carnevale auch viel zu selten.
    Ein schönes Game mit tollen, fluffigen Minis.
    Auf den Hammer schwingenden Ritter freu ich mich schon. Der wird auf jedenfall für meine Vatikan Bande rekrutiert.

  • Wieder mal sehr schön!
    Irgendwann verkauf ich Teile meines OVP Pile und gönn mir etwas Carnevale!

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