von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale, Terrain / Gelände

Carnevale: Neues Gelände

TTCombat veröffentlichen neues Gelände für Carnevale.

New Releases – Friday

This week we take a look at the new additions to the Modular Venetian range. With four new buildings giving you the chance to create something new and exciting…

Todays releases were created specifically to give you the buildings needed to make up your very own Piazza San Marco!

Each of the buildings listed below are modular and able to connect to one another, as well as all the other modular buildings in the range.

Modular Procuratie Arcata

Carnevale Procuratie2

The Arcata provides good verticality and a good amount of roof space to jump from. Countered by the covered section underneath to protect from airborne attacks.

This kit can be used on a plaza section or half on, half off, with the stilts provided to give an open space for gondolas to pass under.

Procuratie Arcata is available for £20.

Modular Procuratie

Carnevale Procuratie3

A variant of the building above, this kit has a small shop underneath, blocking entry and line of sight.

Despite having a blocked off back, there is still a small covered walkway underneath. Great for ambushing models running into or out of cover!

The Procuratie is selling for £20.

Modular Procuratie Vicolo

Carnevale Procuratie4

These two thinner buildings are great to fill in that extra bit of space you’ve got after making your piazza up with the larger pieces.

That’s not all though, they’re the perfect size to add into any board where a bit more height variety is required. Although small, even if your board is pressed for space, you can always hang these over the edge of the plaza sections to provide a nice covered arch.

The Procuratie Vicolo set is available for £20.

Modular Procuratie Cafe Teodor

Carnevale Procuratie5

With three little cafes tucked away under the main buildings of the piazza, this section of buildings allows for entrance in the square and provides small business space for entrepreneurs.

After the gang warfare that usually takes place in Venice, you may want to take a load off and have a nice cup of coffee. Just check for Rashaar in the kettle before you do!

The Cafe Teodor Street set is available for £28.

Carnevale Procuratie1

As you can see, all these buildings make a delightful little board with supports and space for gondola travel underneath.

If you would like to see more of our San Marco range, then head over to our website. For more Streets of Venice buildings click here.

Quelle: TTCombat

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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