von BK-Nils | 20.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Bushido

Bushido: Shiho Clan Pre-Order

Die Verstärkungen für den Shiho Clan für Bushido von GCT Studios ist ab sofort vorbestellbar.

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 1 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 2

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 3 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 4 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 5 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 6

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 7 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 8 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 9 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 10

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 11 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 12 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 13 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 14

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 15 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 16 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 17 GCT Studios Shiho Clan Starter Set 18

Shiho Clan – Starter set – 35,00 GBP

In the years following the Dragon Wars, the Shiho name was rarely mentioned. Recently, that name has started to be spoken again with increasing enthusiasm and excitement as it seems that the only known member of that once-proud clan has returned to the Isles of Jwar.
Shiho Hirota is back to conquer his many foes and destroy the Takashi Clan by any means possible. He is leading a secret war taking place in the rice paddies, jungles, and thickets of Jwar. Shiho Hirota is choosing to hit-and-run, steal, destroy, and disrupt the vital lines of supply and communication that the Takashi clan need so desperately to rule Jwar.

Box contains five miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and eleven full colour cards.

GCT Studios Shiho Keita 1 GCT Studios Shiho Keita 2 GCT Studios Shiho Keita 3

Shiho Keita – 8,95 GBP

Keita was old, even at the Battle of Sagoya, and even though he wished to stand and die with his clan, his orders were to protect the children so that the Shiho clan stood a chance of surviving. Keita has honoured that final order every day of his life by keeping them safe with his blade and teaching them the finer points of swordsmanship as they grew. Yet, there is something to Keita that makes people want to bow even deeper in his presence. Perhaps it is his lordly demeanour and inherent nobility? Whatever it may be, he is a welcome and stalwart asset to the Shiho clan in the fight to throw off the yoke of the Takashi imposters and usurpers.
Keita helps the warband in many ways; if you buff his poor melee skill, he can be a viable fighter. But even without any melee exchanges, he offers Virtue Tokens with a wide range of effects that boost the Shiho’s inherent talent for unpredictability. In addition, his Deference Ki Feat can keep him safe from some attacks, which is helpful for a supporting model that needs to be close to the action.

Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Maki 1 GCT Studios Maki 2

Maki – 8,95 GBP

Maki is overjoyed at Shiho Hiroto’s return to Jwar and believes it is only a matter of time before there is a change in the Prefecture’s leadership. Maki is well versed in killing and ambush and moving with stealth over and under the land. Her family were soldiers for the Eagle, and she has been raised with them, fighting the guerilla war since she was old enough to hold a knife. Out of sheer necessity, Maki learned to fight with two blades instead of one. This would have been unthinkable in the past, but current circumstances dictate that the Shiho samurai have had to be more flexible in their teachings. While it would still be unthinkable for her to wield the Daisho, her Tachi are a suitable replacement.
Maki offers the same unpredictability as her fellow Ashigaru with her Hold the Line! Ki Feat. Her Unassailable Ki Feat allows her to remain on a flank fending off multiple opponents then using her Sidestep to free herself from being locked down.

Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Loyal Yarimen (2 Model Blister Male And Female) 1 GCT Studios Loyal Yarimen (2 Model Blister Male And Female) 2 GCT Studios Loyal Yarimen (2 Model Blister Male And Female) 3

Loyal Yarimen (2 model blister male and female) – 12,95 GBP

The Shiho’s Ashigaru were once the pride of the Jwar Isles and made up a small but significant part of the Imperial armies that the Emperor relished taking into battle. But that was then, and this is now, and right now, the Takashi Ashigaru are considered the best-trained troops, patrolling the Jwar Isles keeping order for the Prefecture. Still, the Shiho’s fighting men have been together since the usurpation, and the loyalty they show each other is matched only by their commitment to the fallen Eagle Clan.
On the table, these Yarimen can move to assist other Ashigaru, meaning any attack on one soldier is potentially an attack facing two or more! Moreover, the enemy will never know the line’s strength and weak points as it constantly moves and changes.

Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Heimin 1 GCT Studios Heimin 2 GCT Studios Heimin 3

Heimin – 14,95 GBP

The Heimin class consists mainly of farmers, artisans and merchants.  But these peasants know the true lords of the prefecture and follow them still when they go to war.  Being below the notice of most Samurai and living far from the cities of Jwar, most villages are unaware that the Shiho no longer control the prefecture, while others are still loyal to their old Shiho masters regardless. Those loyal to the Eagle remember the days before the Tsunami, before the masked dead, before the Savage Wave, before the Takashi went to war to usurp the Shiho. But they know, deep within their hearts, and in their prayers, that the Eagle will rise once more victorious, covering Jwar with its wings.
As you may expect, peasants in-game are not very impressive, but the Uncloak Ki Feat means that any of them could have been a Shiho Samurai all along! Now you die! Surprise!
So by fielding three of these, opponents are forced to play as if all of them are Samurai until they uncloak, and you can decide during the game which, if any, are Samurai and which are harmless peasants. Combined with the Shiho Samurais’ ubiquitous Flank trait, this is a powerful way of controlling where the fight will happen.

Blister contains three miniatures supplied with three 30mm bases and one full colour profile card.

GCT Studios Shiho Clan Special Card Deck

Shiho Clan – Special Card Deck – 10,95 GBP

This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:

  • 5 Enhancement cards
  • 6 Equipment cards
  • 4 Terrain cards
  • 3 Event cards
  • 2 Theme cards

Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.

GCT Studios Shiho Terrain Pack

Shiho Terrain Pack – 22,00 GBP

Terrain pack beautifully sculpted to complement the Shiho Clan Special Card Pack.

Quelle: GCT Studios


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Guten Morgen allerseits.

    Den neuen Clan find ich ganz cool. Tolle Minis und nette Fähigkeiten.
    Die Heimin gefallen mir besonders gut.
    Nix was einen vom Hocker reißt, aber ne schöne Alternative zu Ryu und Minimoto.
    Ich für meinem Teil bevorzuge aber mehr die high Fantasy Folklore Fraktionen.

  • Das „Ich brauche keies neues Spielsystem, ich brauche keines neues Spielsystem…“ Mantra verliert viel von seine Wirkung bei der Figuren…

      • Dann kauft doch einfach diese schicken Figuren.

        Und nur weil das Spielsystem toll ist, sehr taktisch, mit ner kleinen Spielfläche auskommt, man alleine in den einzelnen Fraktionen schon komplett unterschiedliche Spielstiele hat, das ganze kostenlos zum runterladen ist und diese Edition noch mal ne Schippe besser ist als die davor…
        Und das sie mittlerweile sogar schon Themen & passende Ausrüstungskarten dabei legen, und uih.. es gibt thematisches Gelände?

        Ich meine: hey. Man braucht keine neues System. Nur neue schicke Figuren.

        „Ich brauche keine 4. Fraktion. Ich brauche keine 4. Fraktion…“ 😛

  • Bushido ist ein außergewöhnlicher Skirmisher – da kann man ruhig dem Drang nachgeben und bekenkenlos einsteigen 🙂

  • Auch mir gefallen die Figuren sehr gut, auch weil im Gegensatz zu anderen Fraktionen bei Bushido nicht ganz so überzeichnet und bunt wirken (daher gefällt mir aus der Kategorie „Systeme im asiatischen Fantasy Setting“ z.b. auch Kensei vom Stil besser)

  • Kann mir jemand nen deutschen Händler empfehlen, der Bushido vertreibt?

    Mein üblicher hat Nix davon :/


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