von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.07.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: Neuheiten

Brigade Models veröffentlicht Neuheiten

ValkyrieIndo SFS 162

Brigade Models – Neuheiten

First up, some service news; it’s holiday time, so turnaround time on orders may be a little longer for the next couple of weeks. We won’t be stopping completely, but it may take a few extra days to get your order out of the door.

Onto the good stuff now – we have a few more new spaceships today. The headline act is the new British Valkyrie multi-role fighter, scaled down from the Squadron Commander version. As with most of our other fighters, these come in packs of 12.

Our Indonesian fleet gets some long-overdue reinforcements too, in the shape of three new escort vessels – the Brantas class Destroyer, Ngurah class Frigate and Diponegoro class Corvette.

We’ve updated our A Billion Suns ship chart to include these new ships – this makes it easy for ABS players who are new to our range to select the right vessels for their fleet.

SFS-162 – Valkyrie Fighter (x12) – £1.50
SFS-1431 – Brantas class Destroyer – £1.25
SFS-1450 – Ngurah class Corvette – £0.75
SFS-1451 – Diponegoro class Scout Corvette – £0.75


HS6 3860.jpg Cyclos 6.jpg

The peace is shattered, there’s panic on the streets and no-one is safe. A familiar theme from the Hammerverse, where insurrection is just a powergun bolt away…

Of course, one man’s terrorist is another’s Freedom Fighter, so we present a bunch of 6mm ne’er-do-wells that we’ve termed Armed Civilians. There are six different sculpts in each pack of 24 figures with an assortment of small arms.

To support and transport our armed insurgents we have scaled down our Cyclo 3-wheelers to 6mm. There are six different versions from a basic open-backed pickup to a tri-barrel armed police vehicle.

There’s also a Prosperity Rebels detachment pack with a mix of cyclos, stolen military APCs and rebel infantry.

HS6-3860 – Armed Civilians (x24) – £2.75
SF300-9000 – Cyclo Pickup – £0.50
SF300-9000a – Armed Cyclo – £0.50
SF300-9000b – Cyclo Van – £0.50
SF300-9000c – Cyclo Taxi – £0.50
SF300-9000d – Police Cyclo – £0.50
SF300-9000e – Cyclo Tow Truck – £0.50
HSD6-3805 – Prosperity Rebel Infantry Detachment – £16.50

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • In 6mm, sehr schön. Und die Schiffe gefallen auch. Gibt es einen Händler, der die Sachen führt?

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