von BK-Herr Kemper | 01.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: Lunar Monorail

Brigade Models veröffentlicht eine Variante ihrer 6mm Monorail – diesmal etwas futuristischer.

Brigade Models  Lunar Monorail 6mm 1Brigade Models  Lunar Monorail 6mm 2 Brigade Models  Lunar Monorail 6mm 3 Brigade Models  Lunar Monorail 6mm 4 Brigade Models  Lunar Monorail 6mm 5

Brigade Models – Lunar Monorail – 6mm

Two bits of news first – we’ve had a restock of Hammer’s Slammers figures in both 6mm and 15mm from Ground Zero Games, so all of our army, detachment and troop packs for the Slammers Regiment are back in stock.

We’ve also just heard that Colours has unfortunately been postponed again – the organisers don’t feel that they have enough certainty to go ahead so thought it better to pull the plug early, which is fair enough.

So this week’s main release is some more additions to our 6mm Monorail, which first took to the tracks last year. We have a Lunar Station, plus some additional carriages – a pair of engine cars which together make a short train for both passengers and equipment, and a pair of hazardous waste transporter cars. They ended up being code-named the Moon-o-rail, which has stuck…

Of course you don’t have to use it on the moon – the station makes an excellent alternative to the existing Desert Station in more advanced settings.

B300-1106 – Lunar Station – £10.00
B300-1135 – Lunar Carriages (x2) – £3.00
B300-1136 – Hazardous Waste Transporter Cars (x2) – £3.00

For inspiration, we recommend Artemis by Andy Weir – this features a lunar settlement with a monorail, which is where the idea came from (and it’s a very good story).


Link: Brigade Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Danke für den Hinweis! Brigade kannte ich noch nicht, und die haben ein paar hübsche Sachen im 6mm Maßstab!

    Unter anderem ’ne Monorail!

    • Sehr viel tolles Gelände. Und in Battletech kann man fast alles verwursten. Ich habe eine Menge, von denen. Leider führt die kein Händler, in Europa.

      • Damals, in den guten alten Zeiten konnte man sich auf der Crisis gut bei denen eindecken. Wer weiss, vielleicht gibts ja ’22 wieder eine in Antwerpen

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