von BK-Herr Kemper | 10.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Churchill AVRE

Warlord Games haben drei Churchill AVRE Varianten im Programm.

Bolt Action Churchill AVRE1 Bolt Action Churchill AVRE6

Churchill AVRE with Small Girder Bridge – 74,79 EUR

After the Dieppe raid it was obvious that new equipment was needed to breach beach defences and other fortifications. The Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (AVRE) was designed to fill that need. Essentially the AVRE was a Mk III or IV Churchill with a new main gun and a host of attachments for various engineering tasks welded on. These attachments allowed the AVRE to lay tracks across soft going, to bridge small gaps, clear mines and so on. However, in the course of a normal Bolt Action battle, the most important change is the main armament. The AVRE is armed with a 290mm Petard mortar which fires an 18kg round, specially designed to level fortifications. The ‘flying dustbin’ of explosives moves slow enough for it to be seen, but the effect is devastating…

The small box girder bridge (SBG) could span gaps of up to 30 feet, and could be deployed without the engineers exposing themselves to enemy fire. The design had been formally adapted by the British Army in the 1930s, and copied by many countries prior to the war (including Germany). The SBG saw use during the Allied invasion of Normandy.

This stunning Trenchworx kit consists of resin, metal and 3-D printed components.

Bolt Action Churchill AVRE4 Bolt Action Churchill AVRE5

Churchill AVRE with Bobbin – 66,06 EUR

The Churchill AVRE Bobbin was a reel of 10 feet wide canvas cloth that was reinforced with steel poles. This would be unrolled to form a “path” upon which the AVRE, and any following vehicles, could advance and avoid sinking into soft ground during beach assaults.

This stunning Trenchworx kit consists of resin, metal and 3-D printed components.

Bolt Action Churchill AVRE2 Bolt Action Churchill AVRE3

Churchill AVRE with Fascine – 56,09 EUR

A fascine was a bundle of wooden poles that could be deposited in order to fill a ditch or create a step in front of the tank, allowing gaps to be traversed. The practice of affixing fascines to the roof of armoured vehicles was first adopted by the British Mark IV in WWI.

This stunning Trenchworx kit consists of resin, metal and 3-D printed components.


Bolt Action ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In, Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Warlord Games

Link: Warlord Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Puh, stolze Preise. Ich hätte ja schon Interesse an diesen Bausätzen, aber nicht zu diesen Preisen. Für den Brückenleger hätte ich vielleicht noch zähneknirschend den doppelten Preis des Grundmodells gezahlt (wären dann etwa 50 €), aber das ist alles weit jenseits meiner Schmerzgrenze.

    • Im WG Bausatz ist der 290 mm Petard-Mörser vorhanden, mit einer einfachen Rampe/ hölzchenbündel kann zum Beispiel der Faschinenleger gebaut werden, hab hier einen im Regal stehen…

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