von BK-Nils | 15.01.2021 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Gretchen Wächter Preview

Mit Gretchen Wächter kommt bald eine neue Starspielerin für Blood Bowl.

Meet Gretchen Wächter, the Blood Bowl player who hates Blood Bowl

Jim: Welcome, sports fans, to another exclusive report from Alyssa, our elven pitchside pundit!

Bob: I’m excited for this one, Jim.

Jim: Yes, I can tell, Bob. Let’s just say that I can smell your excitement in the air…

Bob: Well, nothing unsettles the stomach quite like a McMurty’s burger!

Forge World Meet Gretchen Wächter, The Blood Bowl Player Who Hates Blood Bowl 1

Alyssa: Despite never taking to the pitch in life, Gretchen knew the game only too well, such was her late husband’s obsession with the sport. But to the astute Necromancer Dirk the Abhorrent, The Blood Bowl Widow’s bitterness and resentment of the game were the exact qualities he was looking for. So shortly after shuffling off her mortal coil, Gretchen Wächter’s wrathful spirit made her Blood Bowl debut.

Despite – or even because of – her ghostly form, The Blood Bowl Widow proved to be a revelation on the pitch. Her mournful wails and hateful stares chilled her opponents to their core, and they couldn’t lay a finger on her in return. Since then, Gretchen has become feared by players but loved by Blood Bowl fans the world over.

Forge World Meet Gretchen Wächter, The Blood Bowl Player Who Hates Blood Bowl 2

Gretchen certainly doesn’t play ball. Her expertise lies in terrifying the opposition, shadowing the ball player’s every move, and using her Incorporeal form to effortlessly slip through even the tightest cage to get at them.

Forge World Meet Gretchen Wächter, The Blood Bowl Player Who Hates Blood Bowl 3

f you’re a budding Sylvanian Spotlight coach and are looking to wield terror as a weapon to thwart and terrorise your opponent’s plays, tap up your sponsors for 260,000 GPs and unleash The Blood Bowl Widow upon them!

Back to you in the commentary box.

Bob: That’s some spooky stuff, though she’d never have put me off back when I was playing – I’ve got an iron constitution.

Jim: Well, judging by the smell still lingering in the air, you need to take an ‘iron constitutional’, Bob…

You can pre-order Gretchen Wächter on Friday the 29th of January, so grab yourself a Shambling Undead orNecromantic Horror team today in preparation to add the dreaded Blood Bowl Widow to your roster!

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich weiß ja nicht, was zuerst da war, aber das Artwork und die Mini haben leider kaum Ähnlichkeit. Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass die Zeichnung wesentlich besser aussieht.

  • Ich finde zwar schon, dass eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit vorhanden ist, aber davon ab finde ich die Mini weder schick noch nützlich. Mag auch daran liegen, daß ich keine SP spiele, macht mMn kein Sinn, da man die nicht Level kann.

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