von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Black Site Studios: Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Wave 6

Neu von Black Site Studios: die 6. Welle von Cyberpunk-Minis und Fahrzeugen – diesmal ist alles GRÜN – auch ohne Multipass.

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Black Site Studios – Wave 6

We’ve got some pretty sick releases this month including some new vehicles, characters and robots!
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Alien Mercs 19,99 USD

Not the ideal crew to come across during a backwater trade or deal. Their paymasters are always out of sight by they’ll fight to the bitter end for the chance at some riches.

These multipart miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 4x Alien Bodies
– 4x Sets of 4 alien heads.

Black Site Studios Cyberpunk Sci Fi Wave 610 Black Site Studios Cyberpunk Sci Fi Wave 611

Haven Scavengers – 19,99 USD

These roving bands of scavengers manage to survive by picking through the remnants of old town. Only the most hardy and resilient survive in such an irradiated world

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 4x Scavengers


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Police Hoverbike – 12,99 USD

Patrolling the streets and slums of downtown LA the police are often joined by squads of Hover-Cops to help deal with fast moving members of the public.

This miniature is 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Police Officer on Hover Bike


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Robot Helpers – 12,99 USD

Workers come in all shapes and styles in the new world. Geared for their specific professions, these helpful robots are hear to serve mankind!

These robots  scale perfectly with our existing 35mm minis.  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 1x Communication Robot
– 1x Bartender Robot
– 1x Food Delivery Robot

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Tobiuo Jetta – 12,99 USD

Now a dated model, the Tobiuo Jetta was Japans answer to the flying car boom of the 2030s. Rugged and no-nonsense this mini people mover was once a common site on all levels of Zaibatsu.

This vehicle is designed for 28-32mm scaled miniatures. They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive 1 resin vehicle. This product does not come with any sort of flight stand, we have glued it to a 32mm base.

Black Site Studios Cyberpunk Sci Fi Wave 620 Black Site Studios Cyberpunk Sci Fi Wave 621

Zaibatsu Bounty Hunters – 14,99 USD

This plucky squad of misfits is here to save the day! Normally tasked with tracking down unrulily outlaws and criminals this time they’re here to save the universe!

These miniatures are 35mm scaled from the feet to the top of the head (32mm to the eyes and they scale with our 35mm minis).  They are cast in high quality resin and come unassembled and unpainted.

In this product you will receive the following miniatures

– 3x Bounty Hunters


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Mächtiger Badaboom.
    Bekommt der Hersteller mit sowas keine Copyrightprobleme mit dem Filmstudio vom 5. Element?

    • Ich hoffe es und auch wieder nicht, wenn das nicht vom Markt verschwindet, muss ich es kaufen weil ich den Film so liebe…evtl finde ich einen vernünftigen Einsatzzweck bei der Rebellenfraktion für Starbreach.

    • Für mich persönlich ist es immer so, dass ich mit so eingestreuten Filmdesigns selten etwas anfangen kann. Klar ist das witzig, aber das hier ist eben immer das fünfte Element und wenn ich nicht gerade das fünfte Element spiele, dann reißt es mich doch aus meiner Spielimmersion heraus.

      Darum hab ich auch die Brother Vinni Slave Leia aus meiner Skirmishertruppe verbannt, weil ich da immer Slave Leia und keine generische Sklavin drin sah.

      • Weiß was du meinst aber ich liebe reference fests. Solche witzig eingebauten Anspielungen sind für mich eine spezielle Variante humoristische Immersion sozusagen. Ich Bau da auch einfach gerne easter eggs ein. Für meine alierten bei Dust habe ich zum Beispiel einen Dustifizieeten Indiana Jones, einen Shadow, einen Captain America + Bucky (Teenager version), habe für einen Kumpel einen Red Skull
        und aus Danger Girl einen Major Maxim und aus Hellboy einen Rasputin, alle für Blutkreuz gebastelt. Aber ist natürlich Geschmackssache.

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